Chapter 8

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You woke up and it was time to back to UA. You made yourself some breakfast, got ready and you were on your way and you said goodbye to your family. By this time tetsutetsu left your house to his house to go get ready to back to UA as well. As your walking you felt like someone was following you but you didn't mind it you just kept on walking to school. But you still had that feeling that someone is following you so you decided to text kirishima

Kirishima I feel like someone is following me

Ok calm down I need you to tell me we're you are

Ok and I am about to pass your house

Ok just try to stay calm I'm almost out

Ok I'm calm

Ok good and can you tell me why you feel like someone is following you please?

Ok so it was about that dream I had that I told you about and me seeing a bloody hand print on my door while I was visiting my parents for the weekend I had to call tetsutetsu to come over to spend the night

Wow that is a lot to take in.

Yes it is and now I'm really scared Kiri.

I know your scared but you have me here to protect you.

Yea your right.

And I had to ask you something.

Sure what is it Kiri.

Never mind I'll tell you went we get to UA.

Ok Kiri let's go or I will leave with out you

Hey wait up

You tried to run but Kiri caught up to you. You two laughed
and Kiri helped you up. You got to UA and Mina was yelling "I SHIP YOU TOO!" You began to blush. "Mina me and Y/N are not dating we are just friends nothing more." Kiri said. "Yea sure." She said sarcastically. "Right me and Kiri are just friends." You said. "Ok but if you to decide to date let me know." Mina said while winking away. You both looked at each other and laughed until you and kirishima can hear bakugo. "OI YOU TWO DUMB ASSES COME ON WE HAVE TO GO TRAIN!" He yelled at the two of you. "Ok ok bakubro we're coming." Kiri said.

*After training*

Jeez today's training was hard considering the fact that I went up against bakugo and that was hard but I managed to beat him but he was pretty mad that I beat him instead of him beating him. I was pretty thirsty so I went to go get water.

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