Chapter 11 (Halloween Special)

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You were scared because bakugo was stabbed but you should be happy that he was alive but who would do this just them you heard knock on your door. It was Kiri and he looked worried.

"Hey Y/N are you ok?" Kiri asked. "N-no I'm not it's just that I just found out that bakugo was stabbed and now I think that someone is after me." You said while crying. "Hey hey it's going to be ok, come here let it out." He said hugging you. "Thanks Kiri." You said smiling."Your welcome." He said smiling back. "Oh and before I forget there is Halloween party today do you want to come?" Kiri asked.

"Sure and what are you going to be?" You asked. "Oh I'll probably be a shark." He said. "Oh that is s cool." You said. "So what are you going to be?" Kiri asked. "Oh I'm going to be a dragon." You said. "Wow." Kiri said with a surprised look on his face. "I'll see you at the party" you said giving Kiri a kiss on the check and closing your dorm door.

Kiri was blushing bright red but he didn't want anyone to think that you and him were dating.

Kiri was blushing bright red but he didn't want anyone to think that you and him were dating

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Your costume A/N honestly this is so cute

You got ready and stared to walk to the party. As you were walking you got this strange feeling that someone was following you but you just kept on walking. Until you saw your bestie Mina.

"Hey mina." You said. "Oh hey girl." Mina said. "I love you costume." You said. "Thanks and I like your too." She said. "So are you excited for the party?" You asked. "Heck yea I am." She said jumping up and down. "Ok girl calm down." You said holding her still. "Ok sorry I'm just excited." She said. "Now let's go!" You said. "Yea let's go!" She said.

You and Mina walked to the place where the party was held. Kirishima, Denki, Sero and everyone was there. (Everyone except Mineta)

You guys got there and you saw kirishima in a shark onesie. You yelled to kirishima and he turned around and he was blushing so hard the is face was the same color as his hair. Denki had to slap in the back of the head and you talked to kirishima and everyone else at the party. The rest of the party was great until a slow song came on.

"Hey Y/N can I ask you something?" Kiri asked. "Sure what is it?" You asked. "Will you dance with me?" He asked. "Yes I would love to." You said smiling while you grabbed his hand.

You and Kiri got on the dance floor and started to dance. It felt like heaven to you and you loved it. But while you and kirishima were dancing Sero got jealous.

Sero's POV
Kiri I will kill you next. How dare you try to take my Y/N away from me. I won't let take them away from me. She is mine not yours, She is mine. But what if I lost them. Then Kiri is going to have them. I can't let that happen.

Hey weebs and welcome back to this Yandere Sero x Reader. How was all of yours Halloween? I am finally finished with this chapter. Anyways I hope you guys liked this Yandere Sero x Reader. See you all in the next chapter. Stay safe. Love you weebs. 😁❤️ 🎃👻

Yandere Sero x reader (Your Mine) Vol. 1 the obsessionWhere stories live. Discover now