Chapter 12

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After the party you called Tetsutetsu to come and pick you up from the party. When he got there he waved hi to you and you waved back giving him a hug. He opened the car door letting you in then shutting the door and getting into the driver seat and driveling off. "How was the party Y/N?" He asked. "It was good." You said.

"That is good to hear, so I was thinking do you want to come to my dorm and hand out?" He asked. "Yea, I'll tell aizawa." You said. "Ok I'll see you there." When you too got back to UA you and tetsutetsu went up to aizawa and you told him that you were going to spend the night in tetsutetsu's dorm.

"Ok, oh and tetsutetsu make sure you take care yourself f Y/N." He said. "Don't worry mr. aizawa I will take good care of Y/N." tetsutetsu said. "Ok come on I need to pack my stuff." You said in a excited voice. "Ok ok." tetsutetsu said.

You guys got to your dorm and you went inside to get your stuff. When you got out he was waiting for you outside your dorm.

"You ready to go?" He said. "Yea I am." You said smiling. "Well let's get going then." He said picking you up brattle style. "tetsutetsu w-what are you doing?" You asked while blushing. "Just picking up." He said with a smirk on his face.
"But wh-." You got cut off by tetsutetsu giving you kiss on the lips and you kissed him back. He carried you all the way to his dorm.

By this time you were falling asleep and tetsutetsu noticed. "Hey Y/N do you want to take a nap?" He asked. "As long as you are there with me." You said. "Ok I will now change into you PJ's I'll get ready as well." He said. "Ok." You said.

You went into the bathroom the tetsutetsu had and it was pretty big. So you got changed into your PJ's and when you got out tetsutetsu was wearing a shark onesie.

"Aww you look so cute." You said. "N-no I don't your the one that looks cute." He said while blushing in embarrassment. "Ok ok fine you look manly." You said. "damn right I look manly." He said. "WHA- what are you doing?!" You asked. "I'm cuddlin you." He said.

"Ok I guess that's fine." You said almost falling asleep. "Y/N you know sleep is important." He said. "Yea I know." You said. "Goodnight tetsutetsu." You said falling asleep on him. "Goodnight Y/N sleep well." He said also falling sleep.

Sero's POV
Damn you tetsutetsu. I will kill you if you even think about touching my Y/N again you are a dead man and I won't even feel bad about it. I don't care who have to kill or who needs to disappear I will have Y/N all to myself. I will do the same thing that did to bakugo. Y/N my mi amor,my love I won't let anyone take you away from me. You will be mine no matter what.

You started to develop feelings for tetsutetsu but little did you know that this might be the last time you will see tetsutetsu

Hey weebs and welcome back to the next chapter of this yandere Sero x reader story. I know that I haven't updated the story and I apologize for that but I will try to make the next part soon. Anyway I hope you beautiful weebs have a good day or a good night and I will see you weebs in the next chapter. Bye my beautiful weebs 😁❤️

Yandere Sero x reader (Your Mine) Vol. 1 the obsessionWhere stories live. Discover now