Chapter 1 ~ Average Day of a Villian

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"Watch it, bitch," yells some guy as I skate by. In response to his rudeness I stick up my middle finger.

I race to get to school on time, skateboarding as fast as I can. If I'm late again I'll get a three hour detention. Yes that's a thing, well at least it is at my school. After so many detentions they just keep adding time. I don't want detention (who really does?). That'll get in the way of my after school fun. Hopefully my bitch of a teacher will forget.

Three and a half years ago I officially became a supervillain known as Mortuus Luna. Batty, Boy wonder, and Birdbrain don't stand a chance against my mother (Catwoman) and I.

Getting to school, I burst through the doors and skate down the many hallways. No administrators are out and about to tell me not to so why not? When I arrive at my locker I mess around with the stupid lock for what seems like forever before it finally opens. I throw my board inside and decide to walk instead of run to class. I'm already late so what's a few more minutes? Walking in, every single head in the room snaps towards me, staring.

"Someone's late, again," states the annoying Richard, or Dick as I like to call him, Grayson. I swear just because Bruce Wayne is your adoptive father doesn't mean you're so high and mighty. Snobby, rich asshole. The entire class snickers at his comment while he wears a smirk.

After the snickering dies down, Ms. Whats-her-face signals me to my seat. I plop down setting my head on the desk. Can the day be over yet? I don't want to be here. This is pointless.

At lunch, I sit in my normal spot under a tree. I watch as all these people walk by, ignoring me. I don't have any friends. I don't need them. I look to my right and see Dick talking to his little brother, Tim Drake, and his friends.

Of Tim's friends there are two girls and two other guys. There's the girl with her hood always on (I don't know how she gets away with that), Veronica or something is supposed to be her name, but maybe it's Raven. I could've sworn I heard them call her that, but I wasn't paying attention. A dark skinned sporty guy (at least that's how he appears) who wears thick grey sweats everyday, Victor Stone is his name. Also, there's a scrawny animal lover whose name is Garfield Mark Logan, I think. Then there's the bubbly dumb girl who always clings to Tim's side. Her name is Koriand'r or Kory for short. Finally, there's Tim himself. He currently wears a smirk on his face as he talks to his friends, what else is new?

Somehow, even though they all aren't biologically a family (he was adopted by Bruce Wayne a year after his father's death. That Bruce Wayne sure likes to rake in the orphans with murdered parents) Tim, Dick, and Mr. Wayne all have the same annoying ass smirk. Tim is young and has dark hair just like Dick and the same blue eyes as Bruce. In my opinion Dick has the bluest eyes of them all. Not that I've ever gotten up close to check. Who would want to be near that asshole on purpose?

I try not to stare at the group as I push down my curiosity. Deciding I'm done with being at school for the day, I grab the important stuff from my locker and skate out. I have a secret path at the back of the school where the security guards never check so I went out that way as to not get caught.

Out in the busy streets of Gotham, I jump the curb into oncoming traffic, doing a couple tricks as I skate by. Some cars stop and honk, while others try to run me down, but I simply jump on and over or around them. I skateboard down a couple more streets into the heart of Gotham before deciding it's time to get to work.

I skate into an alley and make sure the coast is clear before changing into my suit. My outfit consists of black pants and a black short-sleeved crop top. On the crop top is my insignia: a green star. I also have on black elbow-length gloves and a pair of black boots with a green trim. I wear a green mask around my eyes along with a black belt with green pouches and a pair of green thigh storage. Tying my entire outfit together is a black cape that's connected to my top by two green circles. Every inch of my costume is meant to withstand some of the most gruesome of events.

Once dressed I fly into the air and head for some tall building I've never heard of. I blast a hole to the inside with a gust of air to see the fear on everyone's faces as they run and scream. I levitate one of the laptops and throw it to the wall lighting it on fire. I see my reflection in one of the remaining windows and see my eyes have gone green. Sometimes when I use the elements or high-level spells my eyes illuminate a bright green. I love it when it does this, but sometimes my eyes will start to glow randomly. It takes forever for me to figure out how to stop it since I still don't have full control over my powers and it makes it harder to conceal my identity.

After destroying lots of the stuff here and killing a couple of people to let off steam, I go to leave. Seeing a group of the people who worked here hiding in a corner a smirk spreads across my face. Turning towards them I light a fire behind their little group forcing them to move forward. A couple of them yelp as the jump aware from the flames. I'm getting ready to force them out of the hole in the wall I created when I came in, when suddenly a star bolt hits me and I fall to the floor from the impact. Getting up I see none other than Starfire and Beastboy coming at me while the group I was torturing escapes.

I dodge the next batch of starbolts that Starfire throws at me. As Starfire continues to try to hit me with starbolts, almost hitting me numerous times, Beastboy shifts into a hawk and flies over to peck at me. A blue blast of energy narrowly misses me as it flies past my head. "Cyborg," I mutter under my breath knowing exactly who just shot at me. I turn and quickly blast him with a ball of ice, evidently freezing him. Satisfied with how I dealt with Cyborg, I look back at the other two just as a ram slams into me from the side, successfully knocking me over. I fight to hold back the green beast with its horns. Using a gust of air I levitate the thing off of me and stand. Beast it flies across the room and right before he hits the wall, turns back to his normal green self.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spot Raven lifting a desk with her powers ready to throw it at me. Just in time I duck and it smashes into Starfire who was previously attending to Cyborg, well attempting to. Beastboy stands ands dusts himself off before shifting back into a ram and charging at me. When he was really close I lift him with my powers and redirect the scrawny shit so he flies into Raven, accidentally knocking them both out. Idiot.

Looking around the room I see all four of them defeated. Wait, I think I'm missing something here. Where's Robin? I'm guessing Birdbrain is with Bat-ass since he isn't here. I fly out of the building and back out into the alleyway where I originally changed. I change back into my shorts, white t-shirt, jean vest, hat, and converse.

When I finish I skate back to my apartment that I share with my mother. I open the door and throw my keys onto the counter and drop my bag and board by the door. Pulling out my phone I jump onto the couch and mess around. After a while the silence gets to me. Turning on Bohemian Rhapsody I get up and walk around looking for my mother. After checking the laundry room and her bedroom room I check the kitchen only to find a note.

Dear kitten,

Mommy has a little business to attend to. If you don't mind, deary, I won't be able to be your mommy tonight. I'll be back in the morning, hopefully. Be a good little girl while I'm gone or else. No causing mischief and no letting strangers into the house. Don't forget to eat dinner. I think we have some crackers in the pantry.


Of course, she didn't take me with her again. I hate it when she does that. What could she be going out to do that I can't know about or join in? She could at least tell me what she's doing instead of sneaking off every once in a while.

Seeing that it's a quarter till eleven and I have nothing better to do, I decide to head to bed. After changing into plain sweats and a tank I go back to the couch and get comfy. I have a bed but I prefer to be here in case I catch my mother sneaking in later. For a couple of hours I sit and watch Netflix on my phone until finally I can't keep my eyes open any longer and fall asleep where I lay.


Yeah, I will try to update every Friday. Keyword try. Picture of mask except imagine it green. I don't talk much so........

Emerald Chalsa

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