Chapter 17 ~ Bar Fights and Mini Skirts

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I can't stop laughing. The guys look like idiots. I dressed them up in crop tops, mini skirts, five inch heels, and bright makeup.

In order to prove our short friendship meant something I'm having them go up into a nightclub and hunt for guys. By the end of the night they have to have five guys' numbers and for every punch or kick or whatever that they get they have to get an extra number.

This is perfect for me because I get to laugh at the guys and drink. How'd we get in, you ask? Well, I don't think we're in Gotham anymore Toto. I hijacked a car and drove Peter, Sam, and myself over to Starling City and asked an old buddy of mine for some IDs. Right now we are in the hottest club in the Glades, Verdant.

After laughing some more at the guys I turn back to the bar. I ask the bartender for something strong. I go to turn back to the dance floor, but instead of watching idiots I notice something.

On the second level a girl, looking to be about a year or so older than me, is talking to a black muscular guy. He looks like he doesn't get enough fun.

The guy tries to keep an expressionless face, but I can see right though it. He is in conflict. I can't really see the girl that well, so I consentrate on sensing her emotions. She seems almost determined, maybe. Well I don't care.

Anyways, back to why we came here. Other than being a hot club, apparently the Arrow is gone for good. Though he left other heroes in his quake. I've always known that that wannabe Roy Harper wasn't really the Arrow. To bad he died in prison for a friend.

My thoughts were interrupted as Peter and Sam slammed down some napkins with numbers on them, "There. Are we good now?" They ask in unision.

"Not just yet. Now you have to call all those numbers and verify," I laugh at the end.

They groan before whipping out their phones and dialing the numbers. By the time they're done only half the numbers were fakes. I send them back out.

I love making them suffer. I know they'll do what I ask too, such goody goodies. All high and mighty like any other hero.

In the corner of my eye I notice a guy drag a girl out of the club. The girl is crying and now I can't help myself. I drown my drink, that came while the guys were calling people, and go off after them.

Once outside, I follow them into the alleyway. I hide behind a trashcan as I see him start to beat her. He keeps shouting something about her not loving him, but he was to drunk to truly understand. The girl cries in agony as another blow comes down on her. He pulls out a gun and before he could do anything I sling a trashcan lid over and it knocks him off his feet. The gun slides out of his hand, but I don't pay it any attention.

Before I come out of the shadows I put on some dirt all over my face so I'm unrecognizable. I step out into the light as he begins to stand. Once he notices me he yells, calling me a bitch, and running at me. I step out of the way and he stumbles. I grab his arm and twist it behind him.

As I'm about to snap his neck someone jumps off the rooftop and in front of me. Dammit, why does it always have to be superheroes stopping my fun. The Black Canary raises her head and looks at me. I'm to distracted with her that the guy actually escaped from my grasp.

He drops to the floor, grabs the gun and tries to shoot at me. I move my body to the right as it zooms past me. He shoots again, but this time I stop it midair with my magic. I release it and it falls. He gets scared and does the stupidest thing ever, he points the gun at himself.

Black Canary and I both go after him, it's to late. I know that I just wanted to kill him, but it's no fun when they kill themselves. Canary feels his pulse and confirms his death. She whips her head to me and slowly stands.

She runs at me, but I jump over her. Using her shoulders as a mount and flipping behind her. I kick her behind the knee and she falls to her knees.

"Who are you," she yells as I hold her down.

I knock her to the ground and run. Jumping up the building, using windowsills and ladders and crap to get to the top. I stand on the roof and look down to her. She's now standing, staring at me when I call out, "Luna, Mortuus Luna."

I run on rooftops, jumping from building to building. Once I'm about a mile away I get a phone call.

"What," I yell into the phone without checking the Caller ID.

"Where'd you go," shouts Sam, "You left us here. Peter is now drunk and yelling at some group of guys. I can't pull him away and there are to many for me to fight alone."

I groan before saying, "Be there soon."


Suggestions? Grammar mistakes? Comment. Picture of the Black Canary. In paragraph three it says Toto as in from the Wizard of Oz. I did my research and that is the actual name of the character. It's Toto not Todo.

Thank you,
Emerald Chalsa.

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