Chapter 9 ~ Crazy Powers

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The next day at school was a challenge. Lucy and I kept throwing eachother a questioning glance. I was actually afraid to walk the halls. I have no idea who at this school was at the battle yesterday. Every little notion suddenly makes me jumpy.

I didn't have a chance to grab myself an apple this morning, so now I don't have any lunch. I was not able to grab lunch because I am avoiding my parents. I know they are disappointed in me.

I shyly enter the lunch room. A few heads snap towards me and a couple continue to stare. I walk over to the lunch line and try to conceal my face with my hair.

Silently, I set my tray, of basically an apple and some juice, down onto the table. I slouch in my seat and feel the pit in my stomach that I've felt since the fight yesterday. I can't let my emotions get the better of me.

Nearby, I hear the sound of cackling fire and a couple screams. In the corner of the room one of the trash cans have caught fire. Crap! Get your powers under control Jennifer!

As I think this the flames grow higher. I begin to panic. I have no control over my powers or emotions right now. I'm screwed.

I hear a strange conversation from the next table over, "Rae, stop it. What's wrong?"

"It's not me," states a calm second voice.

Up jumps a guy named Kal as he runs to help with the fire. After he puts it out he turns, giving me a good enough view to take in his appearance.

This guy is a major water freak, but doesn't look like it. Any chance he gets to get into the water, he takes it. He has some sort of wavy tattoos, that I think are really cool, going up and down his arms and some are on his back. Reminds me of water. He also has short blonde hair and dark skin.

I look around the room and see mostly faces with shock, relief, or confusion. My gaze stops at a certain table. This table has Wally and his group mixed with Victor's group. Dick and Tim, being apart of both groups, sit at the table. All of them are staring at me. Then a thought crosses my mind.

"Fuck. They know," I mutter under my breath.

Not even a second after I say that to myself Conner Kent, someone from Wally's group, stands and begins walking in my direction. A firm look on his face. A look of panic crosses the faces of everyone at that table.

Wally and Kal jump out of their seats and head towards Conner. Wally having to jump the table since he was on the other side. The two boys go and try to restrain Conner. I take this as my chance and book it out of there.

I run out of the Cafeteria and run for the girls' locker room. The guys can't get in there. I close the door and look for a place to hide, just in case. I see the equipment cabinet and crack the door. Then I turn around and hide in one of the stalls.

After I'm settled the door bursts open. I hear footsteps slowly walk around, looking for any indication of where I might be hiding. As they pass the stalls I look through the crack and see that it's Artemis who followed me in here.

She begins to kick in the stalls, one by one. As she nears mine I look through the crack and slam the equipment cabinet door shut with my magic. Well that's what I had planned. The metal door shatters. Artemis looks back and I slide under the stall door and run out.

She notices the patter of my feet and runs after me. She yells for me to stop, but I don't listen. I near the door, a feeling of relief and hope washing over me. I push the door open and run out. Immediately I crash into something.

I look up and see Dick standing there, now with his arms on my upper arms. I scream and turn to run again.

He quickly grabs me tighter and holds me in place whispering in my ear, "No one gets away from me to easily."

"Hasn't been to hard the other times, " I pant out. Man all that running has got me exhausted. This seems all to familiar. I need to stop reusing lines that Mortuus Luna says.

I duck out from under him. I kick him in the side and run off, not looking back. I continue to run until I hear the bell ring. Walking towards my Art class I pick back up my bag that I hid before lunch. I don't trust people.

Sitting down in my usual spot I get ready for the lesson. Opening to a blank page in my sketchbook I begin to draw Peter and Sam. I hate to say this, but I really miss them.

The lesson begins and I realize Dick isn't here. Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

"Mr. Grayson. Why in the world are you late," questions the teacher, but he ignores her.

He has a look of determination on his face, his crystal blue eyes looking right at me. Fuck. Garfield and Tim walk in behind him with a look saying they didn't like what's about to happen. Dick walks in front of me and stands there for a couple seconds. Then he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

The teacher and I both yell at him to put me down. He, of course, doesn't listen. Garfield goes to my things, picks them up, and carries them out of the room while Tim holds the door open.

Dick carries me out of the classroom and as he starts to walk down an empty hall, I knee him in the face. After he loosens his grip I flip off of him. Garfield looks surprised. I punch Dick in the face and push him into the female bathroom, locking the door on him.

He yells through the door for me to let him out. Not happening. Tim comes up to me about to put me in a hold when I move out of the way. He continues to try and catch me but I  move just in time. Thank the Lord my side is healed. Without drawing to much attention I knock Tim's head into the wall. His body slumps, unconscious.

Walking up to Garfield he gets in a fighting stance. I walk in front of him and crouch down. I unzip my backpack and grab my board. He looks confused and I put a finger to my lips signaling him to be quiet. I move him with a gust of air and knock him out as well before skating  away. I could've just blow my cover. Crap! I need to be more careful.

I can't afford to miss anymore school so I hide until the next class.

After school ends I head to my locker. When I arrive I see my bag and a note inside. The note reads:

Jennifer Laufeyson,
We need to talk. You can't run forever. You won't always be able to get away so easily. I'm going to get you back for locking me in the girls' bathroom, by the way.
- Richard Grayson

Just fucking great. Note the sarcasm.


Suggestions? Grammar mistakes? Comment. Picture of Wally and Artemis. Also known as Kid Flash and Tigress. Yes. I know that KF is supposedly dead. I don't believe it. I refuse to. I say he is just in another dimension. Do not argue with me.

Thank you,
Emerald Chalsa.

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