Chapter 20 ~ A Dinner of Villains

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Its been weeks. Everyday I would be a good student and try to bring up my grades. Everyday I would work on my project with Candy. The song's a surprise. Well, we still can't settle on one.

Everyday I would sneek into the Batcave and watch. Everyday I would lay low, waiting for the right time to come out. I don't want to be seen as Mortuus Luna until Nightwing is better. I want his first time back to be when I give him his cape. He's getting better. Now he wears his mask in the Batcave so I still never got the chance to find out who he really is. I could've used that to my advantage.

The day after I found out about the cape I sent Peter and Sam home. I told them that they have school, and Aunt May, and their team, and that Fury is probably looking for them. They left, but not before making sure we are all still friends. We are.

Though, that's all the past now. What's happening now is important. Since it is fall, school is out for break. Today is Thanksgiving. I am being forced to help cook. Ugh. Mom and Dad invited some of their closest friends. Mom is inviting most of Gotham's villains and Dad, well he doesn't have many friends.

Thor invited me and Dad to dinner with him and the Avengers. As if Dumbass. I would not sit at a table full of people who took down my dad, yeah no.

Lucy is coming over too, along with her parents. Joker was told to put on some concealer and a wig so he doesn't get noticed and blow our cover. Harley Quinn is coming as Harleene Quinzel-Napier. She decided to hyphenate after getting married.

Jason is also coming. Mom was hesitant at first, but I told her who he is now. Apparently she knew who he was. She also knows who Batman is, but she won't tell me. Not fair. No one is helpful.

A squirt of blood knocks me out of my daze. Damn, I chopped my finger. I put a towel around it so it wouldn't bleed all over the vegetables and heal myself.

"You got blood all over the tomatoes. How am I supposed to put those in the salad now," questions an exasperated mother of mine.

I mumble a sorry before taking off the bloody paper towel. My finger is now healed. I hate cooking. I really do.

Father walks in and I swear I nearly killed him. I didn't realize it was him so I flung the knife at his head. When I noticed it was him, it was to late. He moves his head to the side just in time. Dad looks at me blankly. He's not phased at all.

"Sorry, haven't gone out in a while," he sighs at my sad statement.

I finish cutting the vegetables and leave the kitchen before mother could force me to cook some more.

As I walk through the living room the doorbell rings. I walk over to the door and I can sense the excitement from here. My gosh, whoever is on the other side of this door is overly happy. Lucy.

Opening the door I am immediately pulled into a group hug. I hug back the two crazies and look behind them to see the Joker. It's always nice to see friendly faces. Ha! I'm sorry that was to funny not to think.

We release eachother and I look back to greet one of the biggest villains ever, "Hello Mr. Napier. How are you this fine day?" My parents taught me manners.

"I'm quite alright Deary," he answers walking in.

Instead of a wig he wore a hat. The hat covers his face almost completely so there's no point in any concealer. He hangs his trench coat and hat on the hat stand or whatever and I find that his normal purple suit is there.

He walks in and so does the rest of the crazy family. Joker goes to do whatever (hopefully not plant a bomb), Harley goes into the kitchen to help (better her than me), and I drag Lucy to my room. Once inside I slam the door shut.

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