Chapter 13 ~ Get Your Head in the Game

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"Two questions. One, how the hell did you find me? Two, how did you get in," I yell out to him.

"Did you forget that Power-Man is one of my teammates. It didn't take long to release me. I came over to Gotham. And when you hold people hostage, it's easy to track you," Spider-Man says in a duh tone.

"Am I missing something here," questions Nightwing as he drops from the ceiling.

Ugh. Oh just fucking great. Now I have to deal with both of them, "You picked the wrong time to show up Webhead."

After saying that I throw down a smoke bomb and retreat to an air duct. Peeking through I see Nightwing and Spider-Man talking. Webs goes to free everyone as Nightwing looks up strait at me. How the hell did he know where I was?

I jump from my spot and down onto Nightwing. We fall to the floor, me on top. I straddle his waist and go for a punch. He grabs my wrist just in time. I try to hit with my other hand, but he grabs that one too.

Nightwing flips us over so he's on top and I struggle to get my hands free. When he flipped us over, he left one spot vulnerable. I knee him in the balls and he releases me. I stand up and kick him. He hold the area where his balls would be and lays there in pain. Stupid fucker.

I walk over to Webs and see him standing there talking to a little kid. The child sees me, screams, and runs away. Peter turns around and looks at me. With his mask on I can't tell what his emotion is, unless he's talking.

"Behind you," he whispers just low enough for me to hear it.

I duck just in time to find Nightwing swing one of his escrima sticks where my head just was. I turn quickly and grab the other stick from him and throw it across the room. He kicks me and I fly back. I stand and pull out my swords. I flip the swords around in my hands before going after him.

He takes steps back and dodges every swing of my swords. With his one stick he swings low and hits me in the gut. I stumble back but compose myself before he has time to do anything.

I swipe at him and he starts to block all my hits with his stick. I need to get me a pair of some escrima sticks. Using both swords I try to slash him but he blocks it. I smirk before using my left sword to cut into his side. I don't get to far though. Since he's a guy, and my power isn't strength, he easily pushed me off.

I see in the corner of my eye Spider-Man web Nightwing's weapon over to him. Webs throws it to the Dark Dodo. Dumbass catches the stick and we continue to fight. I take a swipe at his feet, but he jumps. Damn hero.

I move quick and swiftly and end up behind him. I put him in a hold with my swords to his neck.

"So Dark Dodo, where's your ex-mentor when you're in need? Probably taking care of your replacement," I say teasing him.

"He didn't replace me, I quit. Don't ever speak of Batman bad again. You don't know anything," he grunts out.

I tighten the swords on his neck and whisper in his ear, "I know more than you think."

I continue to tighten the swords when spidey calls out, "Mortuus, let him go. You're a good person. Why would you do something like this?"

" I've already told you this Dumbweb," I yell over to him.

" Your parents aren't an excuse. You can do good. Nova and I know you can," this results in me putting the swords right up on Nightwing's neck, drawing a little blood.

"Peter Parker you are not helping," says a gruff Nightwing.

Webs and I yell at the same time, "How do you know my/his name!"

"I used to work under Batman. Wait, how do you know his name, " he aims the last part at me.

"Are we gonna fight or chit-chat, seriously," I question in annoyance before slashing his other side. When I do though I place a tracking device into his flesh.

I drop the Dodo and fly out through a window. Spider-Man soon follows. I signal him to go back to Nightwing, but he didn't understand.

"Dammit Peter! Go back and save the damn hero! It is your job to do so," I yell he finally understands and goes back.

I fly back into the alleyway and change into my clothes from earlier. I hid them in my satchel before leaving. Once clothed, I skate out and over to the museum. I watch as the hostages are checked out and asked for statements. The thing that pops out to me is seeing Batman pull up to the museum, take Nightwing, and hop into the Batmobile.

If I follow them I might get a good, general idea where the Batcave is. Casting a camouflage spell, I skate after the Batmobile. Though, a skateboard verses the Batmobile aren't good odds. Using the wind currents to my advantage I make my borad go faster.

We turn down another street and I am surprised by Batman. He shot at me, using his car, aiming directly to where I was. I jumped out of the way just in time. I can't say the same about my board though. When I jumped the board was shot to peices and my camouflage spell wore off. He must have sensors or some shit.

Batman was already to far gone to see me, so I know I'm still safe. Putting in some gloves I pick up my board, burn it with my powers, and find exactly what I was expecting. Batman is way to predictable. I stomp on the tracking device and whatch the tech shatter.

Well now that my board is broke, I'm halfway across town, and in a position where Peter can find me; I'm fucked. I want to get home and fast. I go into yet another alley and rub my crystal. I cast another camo spell and fly home. I phase through the wall and before I even can reappear, mom is yelling at me.

We fight, verbally, until I am to tired and I walk out, heading to bed.

I hate my parents right now. This morning I got into another verbal fight with both my parents. Loki being knowledgeable and Selina Kyle is a working woman, they both want me to actually have a future job and pay attention in school. I now have to bring up all my grades and have a plan for the future.

Well now what the fuck am I supposed to do. I have no plan for the future. I haven't been doing any work at all. I am so fucking screwed.


Suggestions? Grammar mistakes? Comment. Picture of some version of Nightwing.

Thank you,
Emerald Chalsa.

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