Chapter 18 ~ Verdant

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Walking out of the girls' bathroom I can pinpoint Peter like a wolf amoung sheep. I snuck in through the girls' bathroom window. I made sure to completely wipe off the mud that once concealed my identity.

Peter is drunkenly yelling at a group of obvious gang members. The odds are about seven to one. Oh fuck. Sam runs up to me and points out Peter. Like I had a problem when there is a crowd starting to gather. I push through the crowd and get to the front.

One of the gang members reaches for a gun and I jump in. I kick the gun out of his hand and immediately the entire group goes after me. They grab me and one is about to hit me when I slip through their grasp. They obviously have no brain in their heads if they couldn't even block me correctly.

I kick one in the balls and use him to climb and jump on top of another. I strangle him till he passes out. Those who went after me when I was on the guy got a heel to the face. I look to my left and see that Bucket has joined me and Peter is passed out on the floor.

Another guy grabs my arm and breaks it. I cry out for only a moment before I look into his eyes. Soon enough he releases my arm and screams in agony. I call this the death stare. With my eyes I got into his nervous system and made him to believe that there are thousands of swords slicing him in half. His heart won't be able to take it and will give out.

He drops to the floor dead and I examine my arm. I lowly chant the healing spell and heal it, mostly. I don't have time to completely heal it as there is only me and the leader of this group left. Sam passed out a while ago from a blow to the head.

He points two guns at my head and before I have time to kill him, the girl from earlier and her friends intervene. The guy pistol whipped the leader and a second brunette comes to me to look at my arm. Ms. Whats-her-face stands between me and the leader yelling at us about how we're now banned.

The black guy cuffed all the gang members and gave them to the police. Along with Peter and Sam. I'll break them out when I have time to heal myself. Right now I am on the second level and Brunette number two, who I now know as Laurel, is bandaging me. I didn't even notice the gang members had knives.

Ms. Bitch is talking to police as the guy is helping the police drag the unconcious members to the cars. They already took the body of the guy I killed to be examined for cause of death.

Felicity told me that the black guys name is John Diggle and the Ms. Bitch is Thea Queen. That explains why she's sad, Roy Harper was her boyfriend.

"So, what made you go save that guy," asks Laurel as she patches up a cut on my arm.

"He's my idiot friend," I say in a monotone.

"Well, how'd you learn to fight like that," she continues to ask.

"Places. Is this a fucking interview or something," I ask annoyed.

"No, sorry. I just, wanted to understand better" she start when John interrupts, "Laurel."

She looks up and he motions her to go over to him. They start to whisper to eachother, but I hear every word.

"I thought I said to leave her be. Just because she took out those gang members doesn't mean anything. I'm sure if Oliver were here he would've done it in half the time. She's just a rookie from the streets," John says. EXCUSE ME!?

I immediantly stand from my seat, making a loud clatter. Mr. Diggle and Laurel turn to look at me. I stomp over to them and say straight to their faces, "You have no idea who I am so shut the fuck up before you'll end up like any one of those guys."

He looks at me as if I'm just a little girl with idle threats. As if. I can kill him in ten seconds. You know what, let me time myself.

I grab John's gun before he even knows what's going on. I put John in a hold where I'm about to snap his neck and aim the gun at Laurel.

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