Chapter 11 ~ Road Trip Taking a Wrong Turn

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"WE'RE ON THE HIGHWAY TO HELL," I scream out as we pass the sign saying we are now leaving Manhatten.

"Will you shut up already," Ava complains resulting in me only singing louder. The gang all groans out in annoyance at my stupidity.

I continue singing until my mouth gets covered in a web. I rip it off and scowl at a laughing Webhead. Using my magic I cast a spell to turn him to stone. Sadly, it's only temporary. Lasts for about an hour. The gang jumps back in shock.

"What the hell! I may not even like the guy, but still, you turned him to stone," yells Sam. I groan in annoyance while ripping off the web.

"The spell is only temporary. It lasts for about an hour, sadly. Who do you think I am, Medusa? Over react much," the last part I attempt to mutter under my breath. Not good enough I guess, they heard me.

"I'm glad you did. Gets him to shut up for a bit. Maybe you could.....," Ava starts. She tries to slyly tell me to freeze the guys, but they catch on.

"Don't even think about it," Sam says slow and lowly. As if he could intimidate me. Ha!

I just give him a dead look. I don't care. A thought crosses my mind and I say, "You know I'm actually surprised the spell held and actually worked. Never done it before." A look of fear crosses some of their faces while I just smirk.

We travel for a while longer until we see a sign telling us 'You are now entering Metropolis'. Oh great.

Luke, who is now driving, takes a turn down the wrong road. We slowly enter the 'bad part of town'. Drug deals to the left, street fights to our right, and chaos everywhere. My kind of place.

We have to stop at one of the stores to get some snacks and junk. Luke decides to guard the van, while Sam and Ava go inside. Danny also thinks to help watch the van so he stands on the outside.

I really need to stretch my legs. Hopping out of the van I place on a baseball cap and some dark shades. I start to walk aimlessly around the alleys and streets. Raise your hand if you're bored as fuck. No, I didn't really mean raise your hand.

I facepalm for talking to myself; I sound like an idiot. Turning another corner I see three guys surrounding a woman. The leader of the group has a gun pointed to her head as they try to rob her of everything.

Yes I know I'm a villain, but I can't stand it when woman are treated badly. I continue to watch when one of the guys grab her boob and she starts to cry. Oh hell no. You do not do that to a woman.

Picking up two nearby pipes I hide them in my jacket and cross my arms. Walking up to the guys I stand in their line of sight so I know they can see me.

"Put her things down and walk away or this is going to get ugly," I say in a disguised voice.

"Well what if we don't wanna? What are you gonna do about it," he questions.

I smirk before saying, "I'm gonna kick your ass."

He does a pattern of whistles and a group of people come from almost anywhere, "I believe it's twenty to one, girly."

"That's where you're wrong, " says Ava as she jumps down from one of the buildings with Danny and Sam, "We're never just one."

"Sam fly the girl and her stuff out of here! Ava cover my back! Danny, crowd control," I shout out to them.

Sam does as he's told and brings the girl to safety. While that's happening Danny goes strait into fighting mode and battles who ever comes at him, taking down as many as he can. Ava jumps straight into the fight as I head towards the three main guys. I flip over a couple guys and as I'm in the air I pull out the pipes.

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