Chapter 19 ~ Cape of Wonder

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Looking to where Nightwing is supposed to be. Instead he is standing, clutching the table for support. His back is to me so I still have yet to find out who he is. He attempts to walk but stumbles and falls. Red starts to get up to help when Alfred walks in. He shakes his head as if scolding himself.

I grab Jason's arm and drag him out of the Batcave. Once outside we walk to the motorcycle in silence. He hands me his mask and I put it in my satchel. I go behind the trees to where I hid my clothes and change.

We get on the bike and head home. It's obvious some tiny part of Jason still cares for his old friend or whatever. Whoever he is.

Once Jason drops me off I grab my board and head off. I need to see Lucy. I head over to the warehouse that the Joker uses. I get down there and immediately the hienas go after me. Since I'm not in my costume they think I'm a threat. I create balls of fire in my hands and throw down warning shots. They waver, but continue to go after me.

"Yo! Candy! Get your ass down here and call off the hienas!"

Candy hops from the window and lands on a hiena. She starts to ride one and they all scatter. She flips off the annoying animal and skips over to me, her braided pigtails flying. The Hienas only listen to her and her mother.

"Hey Lune," oh how I missed her silly side, "Did you see the giant fire Daddy let me cause?"

"Sorry, I was a little occupied," Candy Bomb pouts at this.

We hook arms and skip off. She runs up the stairs and to her fathers office. I run after her. She barges through the door with a smile and suddenly slams the door, horrified.

I know exactly what she saw in there since this isn't the first time. I giggle and run to her little work area. She's been busy.

I say exactly that and she laughs behind me. Reaching over me she grabs her latest weapon.

"This is my new toy. I call it giggle fits. When I shoot it a bomb of Daddy's toxic giggle gas, or whatever, is released and I modified the gas to kill faster and make the death twice as laughable.

We both stare at the beautuful weapon when we hear the cock of a gun. We turn to see Harley Quinn with two guns aiming at each of us.

Candy's confused until Harley says, "Jigs up suga pie." She pulls the triggers and glitter flies out.

We all burst into a ball of laughter.

"Hey Quinn. How ya been," I ask politely, somewhat.

She ignores the question and squeezes me in a hug. I forgot how loud and fun they all are.

"Oh! Before I forget, thank you guys for the smoke bombs and that device that opens the Batcave," I say after Quinn releases me.

I hang with Lucy for hours. It's now eleven at night.

"Hey, you wanna go do," Lucy smirks mischievously.

I smirk in return and play with my choker, "This kind of fun?"

She eagerly nods her head. I change and she fixes her hair and makeup. We take two of the motorcycles Joker stole and ride off.

"Wee!!!" Candy squeals as we ride off a rooftop. I used my powers to lift the motorcycles up.

We ride around, running over people, and destroying things with my powers and her bombs. She's called Candy Bomb for a reason. Colorful smoke fills the air behind us. I giggle.

Our fun us stopped short when another vehicle follows us. Dammit Batman. Why do you always have to ruin our fun? I immediately go into serious mode while Candy laughs and speeds up.

The motorcycles got some upgrades so they can go faster than most vehicles. We shoot off and the Batmobile wavers behind us. I grab one of Candy's bombs and send it straight for the Batmobile. It explodes in a puff of green smoke. Oooh, my favorite color! I giggle and the flames shoot up. Oops.

We round the corner and as we turn I swear I saw Batman standing and staring at us. The fuck? I swear he always avoids death.

We head back to the warehouse and I say a goodbye. I start to skate home when I decide to do something else. Putting on my suit again I cast a spell so none of the camera's or sensors will detect me. I fly off towards the Batcave.

Sitting in my hiding place I watch as Alfred nurses Nightwing. I still haven't seen his face. He has a shirt on now, much to my dismay. I'm not going to lie; his abbs were fine.

Batman comes in with barely a scratch on him. Ass hole.

"Hey Bats, long time no lecture. You've been holding back. Come on, lay it on me. Tell me how much of an idiot I am. How much I screwed up when I let my emotions get the better of me," Nightwing says trying to imitate Batman with the last aprt.

Batman starts going off on him about random things he did wrong. I barely listen until he says something that interests me, "I don't care if you've been pissed at Mortuus Luna all these years about taking your cape. I know it was the one your mother made for you right before she died, but you need to get over it. Your eighteen years old and a professional superhero, act like it."

Holy crap. Batman is harsh. I thought I was mean. Wait that cape was the last thing his mother made for him. I didn't even know his mother died. Ugh, this is stupid of me, but I have to return it. Stupid inner voice always getting me to do semi-nice things.

I watch for a while longer and it's mainly Batman scolding the unknown person who is Nightwing. I then decide that I'm bored. I need something to do. Watching Nightwing get yelled at isn't as fun anymore.

I leave. This is so boring. Once outside I fly home. I hate not being able to use my powers in the Batcave. Once home I head straight for the shower. I stink. I'm actually surprised the flying idiots didn't smell me from where they were.

Putting on some sweatpants and a tank I stare at myself in the mirror. I seem like a stranger. I never did get used to myself without a mask. Even before becoming Mortuus Luna I never felt like myself unless I was training or designing my own costume. I never truly felt alive and real until I stole that very cape that I am planning on returning.

I sigh at the memory of my first-ish theft. I really wish I didn't have to give up my prize trophy. After that night I folded it up and never wore it again for safe keeping. I have it in the secret lair in my room.

I finish staring at myself in the mirror and go to bed.


Suggestions? Grammar mistakes? Comment. Picture of Nightwing as the first Robin's cape. Confusing? I know.

Thank you,
Emerald Chalsa.

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