Chapter 26 ~ Own Little Party

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It's probably around one in the morning now. I waited until I felt that everyone was asleep. I flip the covers off of me and smile. I'm such a genius. I already have my clothes on. This consists of a green long-sleeved shirt and some jeans. I run and put on my black jacket/vest and boots. Carefully placing the choker around my neck I feel I'm ready.

I check and make sure no one is in the hallway before walking out. Getting into the elevator I remember Jarvis.

"Hey, Jarvis, can you take me to the top floor," I ask sweetly and his response is, "Certainly Miss."

Once I reach the top floor I'm about to walk out when I remember, "Oh, Jarvy, can you please not tell anyone I left?"

After he agrees I walk out. Heading over to the sliding glass door, I open it. Walking out onto the balcony I climb the railing.

I look down onto all the people and watch as the cars move about. Leaning forward I watch as the everything begins to get bigger. The wind rushes past my face, the feeling is so beautiful. The cars are so close now and I groan as I now have to pull up. As I'm about five feet from a car I pull up before I could crash. Now I fly above the cars and rise higher.

"Oops. Nearly forgot. Translucens." I use my camouflage spell.

Flying over the houses I try to remember which street, or even what general area he lives in. I'm so engrossed in thought I nearly fly right past his house. I halt in my tracks and nearly fall from how sudden my stop was. When I fly back up to my position after faltering I look down at the house. Flying down to his window I look inside.

Peter walks in his pajamas pants and no shirt with a giant yawn over to his bed. He hops onto the bed, lanfing face first, and it bounces. I giggle. His head shoots up from the pillow and he turns to me startled. I smile and wave. He begrudgingly gets up and opens the window. I fly in and land on his bed, crossing my legs.

"Call the others, let's have a party," I say simply.

He does as I say and we all decide to meet up at the same warehouse as before and go in our costumes. That way it's easier to get there. No one will question. After adjusting my costume so it looks right I fly out the window; not even waiting for Peter. When I arrive there I see I'm the first to arrive. Makes sense; I did only have to rub the crystal on my choker to be ready.

Since I'm the first here I search the warehouse for some chairs and a table. After I set everything up White Tiger and Spider-Man show up. After five minutes they are followed by Iron Fist and Power-Man.

"Anybody seen Sam," I ask. Everyone looks around in question.

Nova flies through a window and lands with a goofy smile on his face, "yours truly has arrived."

"Oh darn, I was hoping to have this party without you," I fake displeasure.

We all laugh as Nova mumbles a whatever. We hang around talking, getting to know each other better for an hour or two. Eventually I pull out the deck of cards I brought and we all play war, my personal favorite card game. Iron Fist, White Tiger, Power-Man, and Nova are all out already and it's just one head-to-head game between me and Peter.

I slap down a ten and smile. That is until i see his card, a queen. I grumble nonsense as he takes my card gleefully. I look him dead in the eye as we both slap down our cards, we both have a six.

"DOUBLE WAR!" everyone yells.

I place three cards face-down before slapping a king. I laugh as I look and see Peter has an Ace. I win! He's out of cards.

For those of you who think I'm wrong, let me explain. An ace actually is a one. It is not higher than the king. Think about it, if it starts at two and goes up what the hell is supposed to be one. Every other card makes sense in its rightful place, but an ace has obviously been made as a one. Ask the person who invented cards. Oh wait, he's dead. Hehe.

As I go to gleefully collect my cards and gloat a motorcycle crashes through the garage door. It skids to a stop and the driver takes off his helmet, Nightwing. He looks up confused by what's going on. White Tiger sits with her legs crossed on some boxes and looks up at the intrusion. Nova and Iron Fist stop sparing and look, though Nova did shoot him again. I giggle at that. Power-Man walks back in from wondering off and stops.

Everyone's frozen in their spots. I look down at my clothes and realize, we forgot to change. This looks bad.

"Peter," Nightwing turns to him, "Why the hell are you and your team hanging out with her!?"

"Hakuna your tatas, man," I yell out, "The better question is what the hell are you even doing here?"

"I put a tracker on your boot. The tracker went dead for a while, but just three hours ago it appeared.

Damn, three hours ago I put on my costume. I gulp. Let's change the subject, shall we?

"How's your balls, I heard a friend of mine kicked you there. What about your wrist, I hear she also broke that. Better yet how's your pride," I smirk.

He glares but steers the conversation back to his original question, "Why are you all here, with her?" He sneers the second part.

"Well, asshole, we aren't the actual superheroes/villain. We are just comic con people," I lie.

Everyone around me face palms. Was it that bad, honestly?

Obviously not believing me Nightwing gets off his bike and stomps over to Spider-Man, never taking his eyes off me. Finally looking away I release the breathe I never even knew I was holding in.

"Parker, I'll ask again, why are you in a warehouse with Mortuus Luna and playing cards instead of fighting and taking her to jail?"

Tiger flips from her spot and walks up to Nightwing. Pushing him back she begins to yell at him, "Who told you to get into other people's business? Last time I checked, you weren't invited."

Me knowing how quick Nightwing is I face palm. She just told him this was a party. A small group like this would be a party between friends only. She just admitted that we're all friends. Dammit.

He smirks at this revelation, "So you're all friends. Friends just hanging out, right?"

"Right," Ava answers before realizing her mistake.

Now that he's been proven true a whole new fire of anger alights in his eyes. I have idiot friends. I can tell he's about to yell more and me being me decide to shut him up. I throw a warning fireball. He jumps just in time for it not to hit him. Nightwing turns to me with a sharp glare and in retaliation throws a disc at me. Oh fuck no.

Sam steps forward as if he's gonna jump in but I wave him off, "This is between me and Birdbreath. No one jump in. I'll be done with this in a few seconds."

I lunge at him but he ducks. As I fly over him I use his shoulders to flip and land on my feet behind him. Before I can make my move he elbows me in the chest. I stumble back as he turns to me and grabs my left arm breaking it. I scream out in pain and rip my hand away.

He reaches for one of his escrima sticks but I use my telekinesis to grab it first. I'm getting better at this. Using my good arm I swing at him. With the other stick he blocks my hit. I start to try to hit him and he blocks most of my blows. We are basically sword fighting with escrima sticks.

I knock the stick from his hand, but he snatches mine. He smacks me in the face and I fly to my right. Looking up from the floor I see Nightwing standing above me.


Suggestions? Grammar mistakes? Comment. Picture of Jack Sparrow asking about a party.

Thank you,
Emerald Chalsa.

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