Chapter 33: Comfort

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       It was a cold December when Araki Fadenn was killed, right around what was supposed to be a merry White Christmas.

      A normal reaction of a five year old girl whose father passed away would be to cry. Karriez Fadenn shed no tears, even when her father's coffin was lowered to the ground.

      There was one thing though that was different, she didn't speak. Distant relatives who had never seen her thought that the little girl was mute. Who used to be a bubbly and talkative child became a girl with no voice.

      Senza Fadenn was inconsolable. From the moment she knew until after her beloved husband was buried, her tears didn't stop. Her grief radiating in waves. The beautiful woman wilted like a dying flower.

      Then there was Karriez who did not cry and held her mother's hand. She climbed into a chair and put her little arms around her mother, caressing her back soothingly.

       After all was said and done, relatives and friends in black walked away and left the mother and daughter with their condolences. The Sano family, the grandfather and his two grandchildren were the last to leave.

       That night, only the blowing wind could be heard. Mikey, who occasionally accompanied his brother to long nights at his shop did not go. Late that night, in his attic bedroom facing hers, he stood on his tip toes by the window.

      The lights were off.

       Thanks to the bright full moon, he was able to see her room through the thin curtains. He wanted to know if she had fallen asleep.

       There was no one in the twin sized bed, the usual lump in the center or hanging by the side was absent. "Where is she?" He squinted his eyes, grabbing onto the window sill to raise himself up.

      That was when he saw her, by her bedroom door, crouched with her knees to her chest hugged by her petite arms. Her head bobbed up and down slightly, one of her hands were raised to cover her mouth, as if afraid that someone would hear her.

      The moonlight streamed through her window, enough for him to see her glistening tears. Something clicked inside him. He immediately opened his window, as quietly as he could.

       He grabbed the window sill, and sat on it, his feet ready to jump off. There was a thick ledge on the outside of her window, framing it. All he had to do was to grab it and open her window which was cracked open a little.

      He knew that the window wasn't locked, no matter how many times her mother told her to lock it, she didn't. She kept it open an inch at the bottom so that if a fairy visits, they could welcome themselves inside, especially if there was a strong wind or it was raining.

      He prepared himself, he thanked his natural physical prowess because it enabled him to pull off a dangerous stunt that could give him a few broken bones or a broken neck.

      But he didn't feel nervous or afraid. He didn't second guess himself. He trusted his abilities.

       He jumped.

      Leaping through the few yards of air and then his hand grabbed onto the ledge. It slipped.

       By reflex, his other hand shot out and grabbed the ledge, for a split second his heart leaped out of his chest and he thought he was going to die. He was literally hanging on for dear life.

       He tightened his grip and then raised himself up. Opening the window went by without a hitch. It smoothly and quietly slid open. The moment he popped his head in, he heard her sobs.

Antiques and Clandestine Meetings (A Manjiro Sano story) Tokyo Revengers FanficWhere stories live. Discover now