Chapter 109: Blood Ties

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       "So, our biological parents-"

      "You want to know about people who threw you to the trash?" Kisaki cut her off rudely and yet his voice rang out with anger, vibrating with fury that was not directed at her.

      He had a sarcastic smile on his face. Dessert was served. Mango graham cake. The sweet and creamy fragrance danced around her nose. A luscious slice sat waiting to be plucked.

      "Curiosity killed the cat." Still, Karriez was unfazed or so she seemed. Yet deep inside, a crack on her glass heart began to grow deeper. She felt nauseous. Her chest burned.

      All her life, she knew that by blood she wasn't a Fadenn. Though she never dreamed of finding her biological parents, although she tried. She, who handled the best information network in the delinquent world failed miserably.

      All of that effort to ask one simple question, 'Why?'

      "Tetta, seeing as you know how our biological mother looks like, I guess they didn't throw you away."

      Kisaki never broke eye contact, eyes becoming colder as the conversation went on. Like the chilly weather right outside, through the glass window they sat behind.

      "Do you think they'll donate their heart for you?"

      It was a question that hit home and Karriez wondered where she got the calmness to deal with it peacefully.

    "No. I think it's why they threw me away."

       Kisaki was amazed. 'How is she keeping her shit together?' He knew that most people, even the greatest, even himself, in her shoes would fall apart. Break and crack. However she was as serene as a still lake.

      Contrary to his thoughts, her expression and the way she smiled and talked and her warm eyes, Karriez was a duck paddling across a lake.

       "You keep saying 'biological mother', why not just mother?" Kisaki asked out of pure curiosity. He had already determined her motive.

      "I already have a mother. Her name is Senza Fadenn."

       "I see."

      As he looked at his sister, pale sickly skin. Freshly our of the hospital. Deep eyes with ghastly bags and yet a beautiful captivating grey. A small, cute nose and barely noticeable freckles fading with time. White lips covered with a soft, rose red lipstick and gloss.

       The shape of her eyes were round, curving narrowly at the side and raised like a cat. Cheekbones noticeable because of the lack of healthy fat. Three small, black dots in a horizontal line on her left cheek.

      Another picture overlapped with Karriez's image. Like a ghost haunting Kisaki. A phantom he couldn't shake off. An older woman. Deep, sunken eyes and blurry, almost fading grey. Mad.

       A sneer on her greyish lips and hideous teeth. Hackles raised. There were lines on her skin, proof of her youth passing by like an early spring snow. And screaming. It was his mother's voice that he couldn't forget most of all.

      High, screeching. Crazed.

       "Tetta." A sweet, calm voice snapped him back to reality. Like a breeze of fresh air. He found himself back in that diner once more. Karriez Fadenn sitting right in front of him.

      "I'm curious why you kept this under wraps. You could've used it to your own advantage."

       There was a small smear of cream at the side of her lips and focused on that rather than her eyes which were clear enough to be like a mirror. He didn't want to look because he was afraid of the reflection.

Antiques and Clandestine Meetings (A Manjiro Sano story) Tokyo Revengers FanficWhere stories live. Discover now