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Buzz Buzz Buzz

The sound of the alarm rang through Asha's poor ears. She fell down the bed hitting her head on the cold wooden floor. She groaned in pain as she tries to stand up while the alarm was still ringing loudly as ever.

Other than that, their rooster was screaming at the top of his lungs.

"Bloody Clock"

She said before running to the bathroom to get herself ready for the day. Today was the start of her Seventh and last year at Hogwarts. She still couldn't believe that she had spent 7 marvelous years in the castle and the thought of leaving it crushed her heart.

"AJ! Breakfast is ready"

She heard her mother yell from the kitchen. She quickly threw on a yellow shirt and a pair of denim shorts as soon as she stepped out of the shower and ran towards the kitchen.
She lives in a hobbit house. It is located in a small village of other wizard and witches that prefers the idea of living in such house.

"Morning mom"

She greeted happily as she skipped towards the dining table. She spotted her father reading the Newspaper over on the dining table while stuffing his face with pancakes.

"Morning Dad"

"Morning sunshine"

Her dad replied. He didn't even bother looking up as he was busy reading the paper.
Her mother placed a fresh plate of 3 pancakes in front of her. Asha took a small sniff before hearing her tummy growl.


Her mother looked at her with a smile on her face. Asha nodded vigorously and giggled a little.

"Very, mom. I can't wait to get to Hogwarts"

She replied. She ate her stack of pancakes in a disciplined manner like her parents had taught her. Her parents always valued discipline but that doesn't mean they don't have fun.

Her father is rather calm most of the time. She remembered the time fresh bird's dropping dropped on him and he still remains calm. Not panicking about bird shit on his shoulder. He just asked for the nearest restroom and went on his merry way.

Her mother is a very cheerful woman. Perhaps she got her attitude from her. Always got a smile on her face and she rarely frowns. Although disciplined, her mother still has a hard time trying to stop herself from laughing during serious moments.

"Woah, slow down there. You wouldn't want to choke on those"

Her mother chuckled at her daughter's behavior. She could see that Asha was excited to start a new year at Hogwarts as based on the stories she told her, she had a lot of fun in her school days.

"Sorry mom. I just can't wait to see Tonks again. Have you heard she's gotten a new hair cut?"

She smiled widely as she talked about her dearest bestfriend. Asha and Tonks met at their first year during a detention with Mcgonagall for flooding the girls bathroom with bubbly soap.

"Well now the bathroom's all clean and it smells good as well"

She reasoned with Mcgonagall who just scolded her.

"You caused three of the toilets to clog Miss Dream. Don't you dare reason with me"

Mcgonagall replied sternly. She was quite mad at the damage they have caused although a bit thankful as she had finally found her lost sock she had been looking for.

She chuckled at the memory. Surely Mcgonagall was a strict professional person but she is very kind to students and has a funny sense of humor. She looked up to the woman and Asha loves how she can pull of Green robes and a pointy hat.

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