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As the train came to a stop, the conductor started banging on the compartment doors trying to get everyone awake.
The ride was finally over and their last year at Hogwarts is yet to begin. Students from years 2 to 7 were dressed in their uniforms as they exited to train.

"I am not at all ready to leave this place"

Tonks murmured in which Asha nodded in agreement.

How could they be ready to leave Hogwarts? It's a place that comforted them, made them laugh, kept them safe and raised them throughout their years of studying there. It's a place where they feel at Home especially for Tonks.

"Hey girls"

A voice greeted from behind. Knowing who it is, Asha and Tonks looked at each other and slowly turned around.



The two girls shouted, exited to see their friends. They hugged him tightly and the four got into a nice and comfortable group hug.
Although, the gang wasn't complete yet. One more was missing. It was Andrew. He was nowhere to be seen so the three thought that he went inside already which was unusual for him as he always waited for them by the carriages.

"Why didn't Andrew wait for us?"

Questioned Kyle. Who was also wondering where or why in the world Andrew wasn't there.

"I don't know. Maybe he's inside."

Replied Charlie who was also wondering where his bestfriend is.

"Yeah, don't worry much Kyle. He knows his way around"

Tonks said leading the two into the castle. The four separated as they needed to settle their things down in their dorms before heading to the great hall for the welcoming feast.

Since Asha and Tonks shared the same dorm, they stuck together.

"Is it true that Harry Potter will attend Hogwarts next year?"

Asked Asha as she heard all these rumors about the boy who lived attending the school the year they graduated.

"I believe so. Sadly we can't be here, I would've loved meet the boy"

Tonks replied as she opens the door to their dorm. The two went to their designated beds and fixed themselves as their hair looked disheveled from sleeping in the train.

"Now we're ready"

Tonks stated. The two made their way into the great hall as the halls were still filled with students carrying their luggages.
The two raced each other to the great hall constantly avoiding both the students and their trunks. Hopping over the chests that were in their way as they ran.
Thank god there were no teachers patrolling at this time as all of them were in the great hall preparing for the feast.

"Made it"

Both of them stated and they both entered the great hall looking like they ran a kilometer. Panting hardly, they sat down over at the Hufflepuff table all the way at the front as it isn't that much occupied with students. Asha scanned the professors table, checking if there was a new one as every year they had a new DADA professor. She spotted man trying to start a conversation with the cold professor Snape.

He wore a turban over his head and black robes. Other than that, he had a bloody iguana on his forearm. 'What an odd man' She thought, eyeing him up and down. She wondered if he was their new DADA professor as the last one they had quitted the job.
And her question was answered when the Headmaster, Dumbledore started his yearly speech.

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