๑ ᴄʜ. 17 ๑

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It was the dead of the night, probably somewhere between twelve or one am. The hoots of the owls were echoing from the Forbidden forest, crickets playing their nightly tunes and the bright full moon shining over the castles interior. Stars decorated the night sky, the stars shone brightly with the lights of Draco taking most of it. 

It was rare for multiple footsteps to be heard roaming the corridors at once. If it is a single pair of feet striding through the halls of Hogwarts at the dead of the night, it might be nothing to fear for it might just be a teacher or prefect in charge. And since all are assigned to different areas of the castle, multiple footsteps in one just sends shivers down some of the students spines.

"Ready boys ?"

"Ready girls ?"

All five of them reassured. It was almost an impossible task to take a step silently. With Hogwarts probably being a thousand years old, its floorboards and doors creaked as loud as a dragons roar with the softest of touch. They formed a single straight line, Andrew being up at front just to guide the others from stepping on the squeakiest spots. The closer they got to the third floor, the more energetic they got. 

Asha who was recording all this (of course) heard a faint footstep behind them. She was sure the it belonged to no five of them as they had stopped walking just as they reached the third floor.

"D'ya guys hear that ?"

"Hear what, Ash ?"

Charlie asks, nervousness reeking from the tone of his voice. She could hear him shudder as he squeezed her shoulder. The brave Charlie Weasley of the Gryffindor house is actually scared. Asha couldn't help at the thought of Charlie screaming and running like a girl.


"Ash stop it with scaring us, let's go further down the hall shall we ?"

Andrew exclaims in a whisper. He led them down the hall and soon the line that they had formed, disappeared. As they continue to walk down the third floor corridors, their torch suddenly went out, causing a bit of panic between the five teenagers. It was quite problematic as none of them brought their wands, thinking that they won't really have to use it.

"Ouch Asha ! That was my foot"

"Sorry, Tonks. I can't see shit"

As they reach one of the very last doors of the hall, they heard a sudden growl. A loud growl that is. The noise the teens were making came to a stop as they try to look around, trying to figure out where that faint but loud growl came from. 

"We should probably bring our wands next"

Kyle whispers as he walks between Andrew and Tonks. They tried to stay calm, but as soon as the heard another growl, a growl louder than the last one, this sent them running down the hall. They didn't know what they were scared of, but they were scared. They didn't care who heard them screaming and running, or who saw them. Wether it was one of the professors or a painting, they don't care anymore. 

As Snape monitored the corridors, he heard no sound, not a footstep that bothered him. He was in the dungeons of course, anyone in their right mind wouldn't go to the dungeons at night, especially when they know that Snape walks along those halls at night. His peace was suddenly disturbed when he heard screaming. Screaming from multiple people. It was faint, but he knew who one of those voices belonged to. 

As fast as he can, he exited the dungeons and followed the screams which led him to the third floor corridors. He knew it, he knew some students were just too nosy to mind their own business. But before he could scold them, a hand dragged him, running. He had to run along with Asha and her friends as Asha had apparently caught his hand whilst they were running. Part of him felt giddy as he couldn't even look away from their intertwined hands, and part of him was furious. Furious that students dare sneak out at night and break the schools rules. 

"What are you insolent kids running from ?"

He asks angrily, still running along with them as Asha, still has not let go of his hand. 

"Nothing ! It's just scary"

Asha cried out. On the other hand, once again confused by his feelings, he didn't know wether to laugh or to shout in anger. If he laughed, for sure Asha, Tonks, Charlie, Andrew and Kyle would stop and stare weirdly at him, but if he shouted, those annoying paintings would go on complaining about their sleep being disturbed (which makes him want to tear them into tiny little pieces). 

He eventually managed to yank his hand from Asha's tight grip, also pulling Asha down. Her butt hit the cold floor as the others continued running, not noticing that Asha was left behind. Slowly, Asha looked up to Snape's eyes with a cheeky little smile on her face. Those faint running footsteps were once growing louder and louder.

"Yo Asha- Professor Snape..."

"Mr. Scott"

Kyle was surprised at Snape's sudden appearance, he glanced a pitied look at Asha, who was held back tightly by Snape. Following him were the rest of the squad. They were so busy running away from nothing that they did not even bother noticing Snape. The six of them stood there with a rather awkward silence, just staring at each other. Asha was the first to break the silence, with a cute squeaky 'hi'. 

"Well well well, if it isn't the five troublemakers of Hogwarts"

"Sir, we barely made any trouble"

"Silence, Dream"

Snape snapped over at Asha, his arm still gripping on the hood of her hoodie. 

"What are you five doing here, out in the dead of night ?"

He asked sternly, clearly not wanting any sarcastic remarks from Asha Dream. So he fixed his gaze on her friends, who showed fear towards him (aside from Tonks, who had morphed herself into him just last year). 

"Mr. Miller, mind answering my question ?"

He asked, staring intently at the student of his house. Andrew shuddered under his dark gaze, he knew his head of house was disappointed at him. Snape had suggested him to Dumbledore to become head prefect only for him to sneak out with his friends. Of course, Snape had already expected this, considering the troubles the five had given him during the past years.

"We- We're just curious sir"

Andrew answered, trying to calm his voice down. 

"Detention with Filch, the four of you. And you are working extra time. 20 points from each of you, even you Mr. Miller"

Snape announced, letting them finally go and pushing Asha towards the others as they walk away. 

Kids these days

He thought, continuing on roaming the corridors for any other students breaking the rules.

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