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It was the day of the Hufflepuff team's Quidditch tryouts. Asha was amongst the many students who were joining the team as well. Cedric Diggory, the youngest of them all says that he wanted to be seeker for the team.

"Everyone listen"

Madam Hooch spoke, with the team captain right beside her.

"All of you will be divided into 2 teams. Two keepers, two seekers, two beaters and three chasers. You will have a match then me and Mr. Parker will decide who's in this years team"

The students nodded in acknowledgment. Hooch separated the students into two teams. Cedric and Asha were teammates. She could tell the boy was nervous, but she oftenly sees him practicing on the field during Saturdays, and he's got potential.

"Hey Diggory. You'll do good, trust me"

She says, trying to ease the boy. Cedric smiled at her and thanked her. Asha ruffled his hair and soon the match began. Asha zoomed past the other players as soon as she caught the quaffle, swerving left to right as she tries to avoid getting rammed by the other students. She could hear Tonks, Kyle, Andrew and Charlie cheering her on.


She shot the the quaffle through one of the three hoops. The keeper of the team cursed at her, angrily while she danced happily. She stuck out her tongue at him before flying off to follow the guy who got the quaffle. The game continues on, Asha's team earning four over two pints. They're team was winning. The quaffle landed in her hands at it was her time to shine. Dodging the blunger as well as the other team's players. 'oof ' She grunted as one of her opponents rammed into her, trying to knock her off the broom. She flew faster and in goes the quaffle.

The snitch was finally sighted after a good 30 minutes of continuously flying around the field, shooting the quaffle hoop by hoop. Cedric focused his eyes on the ball as well as his opponent. They both chased the small golden ball for about 15 minutes when finally...

"Cedric Diggory has caught the snitch'

Madam Hooch announced. She called everyone down to announce who has gotten into the team. She grouped them based on the position they were going for.

"First the seekers"

Everyone looked over to the two students who wanted to be the new team seeker, Cedric Diggory and Cherry Warren. The two were visibly shaking in nervousness.

"The new seeker is Cedric Diggory"

A huge smile appeared on Cedric's face as he jumped up and down. Cherry smiled at Cedric and congratulated him for getting the position. Next were the chasers. Three chasers were going to be chosen.

"For the chasers. I want..."

Asha was sweating nervously as Madam Hooch stroked her chin as she decided who are the new chasers. Asha could hear her friends cheering her name and it eases her to know that she has friends like them.

"Dwayne Bryant, Ethan Windsor and Asha Dream"

The three got into a group hug as they heard their names were announce. Tonks, Charlie, Andrew and Kyle got into a hug as well while chanting Asha's name. Asha threw them a thumbs up and a huge smile. The team's new beaters are twins, Cherry Applebee and Jake Applebee and their keeper is Hans Jackman.

"Now remember that we have to train weekly in order to win this year's quidditch cup. We will practice every Friday and Wednesday. Am I clear?"

"Yes Madam Hooch"

The team then ran back to the castle, excited to tell their friends the good news, whilst those who did not get in had a frown on their faces.

"I told you, you'd get in"

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