๑ ᴄʜ. 10 ๑

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"Do we really need this much moonstone?"

Asked Asha as she and Snape collect moonstone. She picked one after another, wondering what year does he need these for. For sure it wasn't from year 1 to 6 as they have never used this ingredient before but has surely learned about it. 'It must be for us 7th years' She thought.

"Yes Miss Dream. We do need this much moonstone as you 7th years will be brewing a simple draught of peace tomorrow. I expect the best from you"

Professor Snape sated as they stroll through the forest in search of more ingredients to dump into a cauldron of potion. As for now, Asha would rather chug a whole gallon of draught of peace as her anxiety levels are rising every minute alone with Snape in the forbidden forest. They collected some hellebore, more moonstone and had a hard time collecting some unicorn horn.

"That's the last of it. Phew"

Asha wipes the sweat from her head. Today she was suppose to go on a small skateboard session with her friends but, oh well, assisting Snape comes first. Although Snape did promise Asha that if she's done well today, she could get off the clock early. So after hearing that, Asha complained less and just went on with the work.

"DONE !"

The girl exclaimed as she threw her arms in the air, letting out a huge sigh. Snape immediately looked up at Asha who strolled towards him and his desk with the pile of work she has finished for the past few hours. It was half-past four in the afternoon and her friends were probably waiting for her in the Room of Requirements, a hidden room in Hogwarts that turns into the desired area of the person or people who entered it.

Bam !

The pile of work landed on Snape's desk. Surprisingly he didn't flinch nor did his shoulders jolt like a normal person would do at such loud noise. Instead he rolled his eyes and glared at the grinning Asha. He let out a sigh, one he would do when annoyed or relieved.

"You are dismissed"

He slowly drawled out with a hint of hesitation. Asha let out an excited whisper 'Yes!' and skipped her way to her desk. With her stuff al packed, she waved a goodbye at the professor and exited the classroom. She rushed to her dorm to change into some comfortable clothes. Which surely a hoodie and jogging pants would do, grabbed her skateboard and ran to the location of the ROR.

As she arrived in the entrance of the room, she hastily looked around to make sure no eyes were on her as she enters the room. Good to see that there was none she entered it and was happy to see Tonks and a few friends of hers, Casper Woodstock, Oliver Henderson and Zoe Applebee. They stood up at her appearance and warmed up. The Room of Requirements was turned into an indoor skatepark. With ramps, rails, staircases and a bowl, just like those in the muggle world.

"How was it with assisting Professor Dungeon Bat?"

Casper Woodstock asked. Asha frowned at the name Dungeon Bat as s eh had always preferred Batman.

"Exhausting. I think the man is trying to kill me with the pile of work he made me do today"

"Well what do you expect? It's Professor Severus Snape you're assisting afterall"

Zoe Applebee chimed in with a noticeable frown on her face. It was easy to say that the Gryffindor hated Snape for all those points he deducted from her house. His prejudice for the house of Godric Gryffindor just keeps on growing each year that passed ever since he started teaching at Hogwarts. he hates all houses except for the cunning house of Salazar Slytherin but seems to hate Gryffindor more than Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff.

"hey that's enough. We came here to skate and that's what we'll be doing"

Oliver Henderson interrupted the discussion, Tonks nodding beside him.

"Yeah, guys. Let's just be thankful that Snape let Ash go early rather than one in the morning"

Tonks says, wrapping her arm around Asha's shoulder. They did was what Tonks and Oliver suggested and began skating. They skated for an hour and went on their separate ways to get ready for dinner.

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