๑ ᴄʜ. 11 ๑

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It was the day before the Halloween dance and students and teachers were busy decorating different parts of the school, mostly the Great Hall. Though for the students, The Dungeons is the easiest place for them to decorate as it already has this haunted basement vibe. All the staff needed to do was touch it up a bit and it already has the Halloween spirit.

The web decorations triggered something in Asha. It triggered this kind of excitement. You may have made it to the 11th chapter but the thing is-- Asha has this secret. A secret that no one knows. Not a person knows aside from her. Not even Tonks, the boys nor her parents. It was a secret that she kept to herself for quite some time now.

You see, aside from magic, Asha has a different ability, or so someone would say, superpowers. When Asha Juliet Dream was of 11 years if age, she was the first victim of the one and only radioactive spider. The one that would bite the very famous Peter Parker years later. She doesn't know where it came from or how it has the ability to give her these powers but, Oh boy does she love it. Imagine swinging through the city of London with an disillusionment spell hiding your existence along with your powers.

"Might as well swing around the castle for tonight"

Asha whispers to herself. There's this thing about swinging that gives you pleasure, a relaxed mind especially with the adrenaline running through her very veins. What she doesn't know is that the unknown presence of the infamous dungeon bat was standing right behind her as she decorates a part of the castle.

"What was that, Miss Dream ?"

His deep voice rang through her ears. She jumped in shock, quick to turn around just to come face to face with the chest of her Potions Professor standing behind her while she was decorating her part of the castle. 'The man seems to be everywhere'. She lifted her head just to be met with the gaze if Severus Snape. Those deep brown eyes bored into her own pair of brown eyes. The awkward eye contact lasted for a bit long before Snape asks his question again.

"What we're you talking about, Miss Dream?"

He drawled, bending down to Asha's eye level. This was the closest their faces have ever been for all of the years they've spent in the school. She could smell his breath at this point. It somehow smells like coffee with a hint of mint toothpaste.


Asha questioned him, unable to know what the wizard was talking about. 'Chismoso. pinoy ka rin ata eh'

"What you said earlier, about swinging"

He said once more. The realization hit her as her eyes widened. Millions of profanities ran through uer head, thinking of an excuse. Yet the only thing that came to mind was running away.

"Swinging ? like those in a children's playground"

She asks trying to act dumbfounded as ever. But Snape sadly did not fall for her little act. As she tries to walk away, Snape put both his arms around her, trapping her between him and the old Castle wall. Asha swore she could hear her heart beating louder and louder every second as they stayed in this position. His dark eyes still bore into hers as the tension grew louder.

"I swear sir, it's nothing"

Snape did not look at all convinced by this statement of hers. He kept his arms where it is and inch a bit more closer to Asha. She could almost feel their noses touching. Snape did not cut the eye contact they maintained. He surely was not giving up until he got answers. Usually, he would not give a damn about what she says. But something stirred in him that day.

"Oh swinging. It's a um- teenage slang these days for uh... exploring sir"

She hoped that he would believe her for she cannot risk him finding out. She looked around, breaking the eye contact, searching for a reason to escape from him.

"Henry! What a great day to see you"

She yells, catching the boy's attention. He looked around, making sure that it was he she was addressing. Seeing that they were at the most secluded part of the castle, not one was passing by.

Snape turned his head to look at the boy, who just seemed confused, poor being. He eyed him suspiciously and turned back to Asha.

"Hey Henry, care to accompany me to the Dungeons to fetch a few supplies ?"

Asha says, pushing Snape's arm that blocked her way. The boy stood there still and dumbfounded.

"Henry ?"

He let's out a whisper, looking around once more to make sure that she was addressing him.

"Yeah, Henry Kettleburn. That's you silly"

Asha says, almost pleadingly. Henry looked at her then at Snape, then at her then at Snape again, this routine went on for 3 more rounds until 'Henry' decided to play along.

"Uhm... Yeah?"

He answers in a questioning manner, his eyebrow still raised. Asha then grabbed his arm and dragged him along with her away from Snape whose eyes she could feel following her till she was out of his sight. Relived, she let out a sigh.

"You good?"

The boy she was with, asked her.

"You seem terrified Asha Dream"

He chuckles out, leaning on the wall.

"Had a hard time with Snape huh?"

"Yeah, he can be nosy sometimes"

Asha answers him. Although she did not know his name yet. She wanted to ask as to why he knew her name but perhaps he got it because of the Ravenclaw prefect yelling her name down the hall as he chases her, or maybe that time she started a food fight which so, happened on very same day.

"Axel Webber at your service"

He extends his and, hoping to get a handshake from Asha.

"Asha Dream, happy to accept your service"

She says, accepting the handshake. She was glad she made a new friend, hoping for it to become a great one as they progress into the future.

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