๑ ᴄʜ. 14 ๑

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It is finally the day they have been waiting for. The day of the very first Quidditch match of the year. Hufflepuff against Slytherin, who would take the cup of victory ?

The Hufflepuff quidditch team had been preparing for this all autumn, with weekly practices and almost daily meeting to discuss their strategies, will all their hard work be worth it. Aside from that, The first semester exam is approaching just around the corner and everyone is getting all religious and suddenly interested in their schoolworks and homework.

"Here, eat more, you'll need the energy to get us the cup"

Tonks says, dumping a few of Asha's most favoured food onto her plate. Asha looked at her, watching as she dumps almost a bucketful of rice onto her plate.

"Why too much rice ?"

"Rice gives you energy, AJ. And during the match, think your doing this all for this rice"

Asha continued gobbling up the food that Tonks had served her, as Tonks puts more and more.

"Calm down, Tonks. Our team won the cup last year when I caught that snitch, I'm pretty sure we'll win again with me as a chaser and Diggory as our seeker. That young man is gifted"

"You better win, we can shove that cup up Elias's ass. Showing that you're a better chaser than he is"

Tonks frowns, glaring over at the Slytherin able at the menacing face of Sorcron Elias as he chats with his fellow Slytherins.

"That stupid bleached hair moron will regret ever saying that 'women belong in the kitchen not on the field.' What about you Andrew, have you ever spoken a word to that brainless Elias ?"

"Uh, Yes, Tonks. He is quite the arrogant dickwad if you'd ask me. Can't stop boasting about his 'looks' and his riches. I can see the rich but those 'looks' of his are nowhere to be seen"

"Agreed !"

Kyle exclaims, drowning himself in hot chocolate.

"Isn't that too much hot-choc?"

Asked Charlie, slowly taking away the jar of hot-chocolate in front of Kyle.

"There is no such thing, dearest Charlie"

Tonks, Andrew, Charlie and Asha all looked at eachother as they stared off into their friend who chugged hot-chocolate. Questions circled their thoughts and Wonders were wondered.

"Oh shit ! It's time"

Exclaims Asha, jumping off the bench as well as the other Quidditch players.

"Wish me luck !!"

"Let's go Hufflepuff"

Tonks and Kyle exclaims back, watching as Asha and the others run out the Great hall, on their way to the field to prepare for the oncoming match. Everyone was all hyped up for the match as it was rare to see a Hufflepuff vs Slytherin quidditch match at Hogwarts. For the past five years Asha and her her friends spent studying at Hogwarts, they have only witnessed or fought (for the quidditch players) 2 Hufflepuff vs Slytherin matches and Slytherin had always won the cup.

"This will be the first game where Hufflepuff wins a match against the Salazar's Slytherins, We all have faith in you Diggory"

Their leader announces, as they climb up the stairs just behind the gates. They gave each other high-fives

"Hey Ash, what's that chinese phrase you always say before a match ?"

Asked the leader, glancing over at Asha beside him standing confidently yet nervously. Who wouldn't ? It was her first match as a chaser.

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