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Asha ran through the halls with the Ravenclaw prefect chasing her angrily. His hair was blue in coloraturas and his skin was this unsettling color of pink. You could almost see spoke coming out of his ears. Asha has one again played a prank on someone. But of course, her victims weren't just unsuspected students. The prefect had been bullying a fellow Ravenclaw, Kyle which also happens to be one of Asha's best friends. So she decided to avenge her dearest friend.

"Get back here, you filthy half-blood"

He called out. His 2 goons following right behind him. He angrily yelled her name repeatedly. Asha dodged all the obstacles in her way, almost tripping over one of the students. If you're asking where are her friends? Well, they are in the great hall, having a peaceful lunch unaware of their friend's whereabouts.

Asha ran through the halls, laughing maniacally as the boy yells her name. The commotion was far from the great hall, meaning no one can hear them. Asha ran faster than ever in her whole life, still laughing.

"Hey do you hear that?"

Questioned one of the students.

"Hear what?"

Asked one of their friends. He then proceeded to shush everyone, telling them that his friend could hear something down the halls and so did he. The hall fell into silence as they hears the distant laughing of a certain girl with a mixture of screaming and also a boy yelling someone's name.

"DREAM! Get you're ass over here, you piece of shit!"

The professors let out another sigh as they heard the girl's names being yelled down the halls. The huge oak doors of the great hall suddenly bursted opened and in came a sweating, young Asha. She stopped running for a while then immediately ducked under the tables as she heard the rushing footsteps of the three boys that were chasing her.

All of a sudden, the Ravenclaw prefect entered the great hall. Everyone took one good look at him and bursted out laughing. If only his face wasn't so pink, a strong blush would be visible on his face.

"Where is she?!"

He asked, his voice dripping with anger. He distressingly looked around the room in hopes of finding Asha who was well camouflaged under the Hufflepuff table.

"Hey, Avatar!"

Asha yelled, crawling out of the table. She stood up, dusting her self off.

"Catch this"

She grabbed a bowl of mashed potatoes that was sitting peacefully right beside her and chucked a handful of mashed potatoes at the Ravenclaw boy. It hit him directly on his face. A bunch of 'oo' came from the students.

"You'll regret this"

The boy then threw a glass of orange juice at her. She missed it by a few inches and he instead hit Tonks. Tonks was soaking wet with orange juice, her hair turned red in color. And soon a huge food fight broke out in the great hall. Steak, chicken wings, soup, vegetables and many more meals served for lunched that day were to be see flying across the hall, either landing on the floor or a student. If you're unlucky enough it would land on one of the unsuspecting teachers.


Mcgonagall was to be heard shouting at the students to stop, but it wouldn't work. Poor woman just trying to keep the school standing. Dumbledore seemed to enjoy the food war that was unfolding right infront of him. Students running around, dodging everything as much as possible. Snape was not surprised. It seemed like he had enough of all the things going on inside the castle.

"Albus will you please do something to stop this?"

Snape began, his voice filled with annoyance. Mcgonagall agreeing with Snape as she watches the students get their uniform dirty. The great hall was a huge mess. Food splattered all over the walls, students throwing food at each other, screaming and laughing. Laughing. The word imprinted on Mcgonagall mind.

Dumbledore was all laughing and clapping, cheering his students on. Unbelievable for a 107 year-old man to behave. He was obviously cheering for the Gryffindor-Hufflepuff team as they fought the Slytherin-Ravenclaw team. One could say the battle was intense.


Mcgonagall bellowed. Her voice was stern, yet her face says otherwise. The room fell once again into silence as the game was paused.

"Wait for me to join in"

She stated, shocking the whole school. Everyone stared at her in shock. No one would've thought that she would like to join in such activity, but here they were. Gasps were to be heard from the kids as well as the teachers. Albus and Severus couldn't believe what they just heard.


Asha exclaimed, climbing on top of one of the long tables. She then proceeded to cheer Mcgonagall's name, throwing her hands up in the air. Asha was the most excited one of all of them. She had always knew that Professor Mcgonagall was a cool professor, her peers disagreed with her of course as the professor was dead strict ( but of course not as strict as Snape ).

"Let's go Professor Minnie!"

Asha rooted for Mcgonagall. The Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs erupted into cheers for Professor Minnie. She walked down the podium, pridefully. She was an old and stressed woman and she needed this to clear her mind and feel like a 17 year-old once again, enjoying the life of being a student at Hogwarts. Asha handed her a bowl of mashed potatoes and the food fight once again began. Dumbledore jumped in as well, throwing food over at the opponents side.

Snape watched in disbelief as the two elders join in some childish activity. Throwing food around, smiling and laughing. It was not like any other day at Hogwarts, and next year, there may not be a day at Hogwarts just like this. 'It's because Asha Dawson won't be here to make the school this lively' He thought. He rubbed his temples, watching as the great hall became a war zone.

Students had tied ther ties on their heads like some ninjas on the loose, food stained their nest uniforms and the once chatter of the great hall had became a room full of chaos.

"Hand me that bowl of macaroni, Dream"

Asha levitated the bowl of macaroni to Dumbledore. He caught it and immediately threw it, directly hitting the Ravenclaw boy that chased Asha.

"Come on Tonks, cover me"

Whined Mcgonagall like a child. She was using Tonks as a shield to avoid food hitting her green robes. Tonks face was in disbelief. Never did she expect Minerva Mcgonagall to join in a food fight and use a student as a shield.

"Your meal is served!"

Yelled Asha as she then threw a plate of chips and ketchup at Kyle. They maybe friends, but at this moment, that friendship isn't an excuse to avoid hitting each other, war is war. Kyle's white hair is now the color of a Weasley's hair.

"Looking good little mermaid"

Joked Asha, immediately being covered in some chocolate pudding thrown by Kyle. Her hair that used to smell of mangoes had now a mix of chocolate with it and it actually smelled quite good.

It was certainly one of the must remember days of Hogwarts.

A fun day that was caused by a single girl running away from trouble.

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