๑ ᴄʜ. 12 ๑

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It was the morning of the Halloween dance, and the Great hall was almost done with its spooky decorations. Some were asking their crushes to the dance, with some being successful and some being unsuccessful, some buying dresses and suits over at Hogsmeade and some helping with the decorations. Amongst them were Asha, Tonks, Andrew, Kyle and Charlie whom agreed to go together as a group, well 4 of them at least. Andrew was planning to help his Hufflepuff crush, Zoe Applebee, while the other 4 gave him ideas on how to ask her in the most romantic way possible.

"Try making it rain her favourite flowers"

Charlie suggested, a happy smile on her face.

"Charles, she's allergic to those"

Andrew sighs hopelessly. He was thankful his friends were there to help him and considered taking some of their ideas but, he just doesn't know what to do.

"Just ask her in a simple way, but with some romantic gesture."

Kyle throws in another suggestion. Kyle has the best relationship advices and yet is very much single. But, just like he always say; "The Master doesn't play"

"Perhaps give her some face roses, since she's allergic. But do put a similar smell of a rose to it"

Tonks suggested after quite some time of thinking. She isn't much creative with these stuff, since she's more of doing pranks instead of romantic gestures.

"That sounds cool. But does she like flowers?"

Andrew asked the four of them in desperation. The five looked at each other, not really knowing what to say. They just sat there, eyes wide open, thinking of a way to help Andrew Miller ask Miss Applebee as his date for the dance.

"I think I'll go with the fake flowers idea"

Andrew finally says after sometime of thinking. The four smiled, agreeing with him as well. He got himself ready and prepared himself. He sprayed much perfume on him, in hopes of smelling good for the girl of his dreams. He made sure his hair was in its best style and took off to ask his enchanting Zoe Applebee.


Zoe hears a voice yell her name as she reads a book quietly in the courtyard. Lucky for her there weren't as much students as there were right now for they have all gone shopping and preparing for tonight. Sadly for her, there isn't much to prepare since she doesn't have a date. A few guys asked and, she sadly rejected them, hoping that the boy she liked would ask her.

She looks up to see head prefect, Andrew Miller approaching her and she felt her cheeks go red as well as the butterflies starting to swarm in her stomach. She sets her book down and looked at the boy curiously as he struts confidently towards her.

"Will you be my date to the dance?"

He asks, kneeling on one knee which made Zoe blush furiously. Meanwhile, behind the doors, Asha, Tonks, Charlie and Kyle were watching the two without them knowing. Andrew had thought that they went to Hogsmeade to buy their costumes for the dance, completely forgetting that they've already done that 3 days ago.

"Shush Charlie Chaplin"

Asha says, putting a finger over her mouth as Charlie was giggling a bit loud.

"Thats a new nickname"

Charlie whispers to her ear. Asha rolled her eyes and continued watching with the others.

"Yes, I would love to"

Zoe says, a smile forming on her face. Andrew stood up, hugging Zoe as she hugs him back. She then thanked him for the fake flower, telling him how disappointed she is when she is informed that flowers would be the thing she was allergic with.

"Thank my friends for that. Without it, it would've been embarrassing "

"I would've said 'yes' otherwise"


Asha, Tonks and Zoe were walking around Gladrags Wizardwear to help Zoe find something to wear. They thought about the classic vampire, or her favourite book character, or maybe a terrifying zombie ready to eat some brains. since Asha and Tonks were going as a Jedi, they asked Zoe if she would want to go as one too. Sadly she declined the offer and asked if she could go as Cleopatra.

"Sure, why not. You already look like a queen and now you just gotta dress like one"

Tonks twirled Zoe as if she was dancing with her. They bought the costume and went back to the Hufflepuff dorms to get each other ready for the eventful night. They finished the work and headed to the Great Hall where mostly everyone would be.

At the end of the staircase there stood Charlie in a dragon outfit who waited patiently for Tonks, Kyle dressed as the devil waiting for Asha and Andrew, an Egyptian pharoe waiting for his queen. They quite early as not much students were in the hall dancing. 5 minutes early to be exact. Soon they spotted the girls as they walk down the grand staircase, two Jedis and Cleopatra. A very odd trio.

"Is the force with you Ash?"

Kyle asks, taking her hand in his. Asha let out a small laugh, mimicking those moves in a Star Wars movie.

"With me, the force is"

She replied in a funny, Yoda-like voice. Kyle let out a small giggle, He wore a velvet red suit and a black tie with a long black coat wrapping him up and two sharp fangs with two horns on top of his head. He also put a spell on the colour of his eyes, making one look red and the other fully black while his lovely white hair is slicked back.

"You look bloody cool, Kyle"

Asha sends him a compliment. He laughs then smiles, giving her the fierce look of a demon and a small growl came out of his mouth.

"You better be good at dancing, or else I'll eat you"

He says in a raspy, deep voice pretending to bite Asha's neck.

"Don't scare our Jedi away, Kyle. She will save the galaxy after all. Ofcourse along with my pink-hair Jedi over here"

Charlie chuckles nudging Tonks who just snorted and shook her head, smiling goofily. They looked over to Andrew and Zoe who were engaged in a small and awkward talk. So awkward, that even The two pairs can feel it.

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