๑ ᴄʜ. 15 ๑

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"Morning Prof !"

Asha greeted, entering the classroom along with Tonks and Kyle. They were some of the firsts to arrive at the classroom, afraid someone would steal their usual spot by the very few light of the window. The three of them had always prefered sunlight over the eternal darkness.

"Miss Dream"

He acknowledged her greeting. Not the first time it happened, but when it does, it is not often. They sat nearest to the windows as usual. The very few rays of sunlight hitting their figures. They could feel the heat of the sun amidst the start of the cold winter. It hasn't even started snowing yet and the air has gone freezing. Asha wondered when will the first snowfall start, imagining all the activities she could enjoy. Snowball fights, building snowmen, riding sleighs, their annual snowboarding during the Christmas holidays with her friends and family and all those merry things.

"Now that all of you are here. I would show you how to brew Veritaserum. I'm confident that you all have wrote about that on the essay I had given you on your first day. Open your books to page 435"

Students quickly flipped the pages over to 435, fearing that if they don't do so fast enough, Snape would scold them in front of everyone. He walked around his classroom, making sure everyone has followed his instructions. One by one, he peered over at their books, making sure it was between page 435 and 436.

"Can anyone tell me what Veritaserum is ?"

He asked, stepping up in front of the blackboard. Very few hands were raised into the air. Most of those who were confident enough with their answers. Amongst them was Kyle Scott, whom was one of Asha's closest friends. He ignored his hand stretching up in the air and eyes darted over to Asha who sat beside Kyle, quietly reading the book with her head leaned up on her palm.

"Miss Dream"

He called out, startling Asha who snapped back to her senses. She groans a little at fact that Snape almost made her fall off her chair. Standing up, she looked at up at Snape, who has strutted his way in front of her.

"Would you care to answer my question or daydream for the rest of the day"

"Veritaserum is a powerful truth serum that causes the drinker to answer questions given to him or her truthtfully"

She answered him with quite confidence. Snape raised his eyebrows at her and walked back to his desk at front.

"Correct. Although I would appreciate it more if you'd pay attention in my classes... A point to Hufflepuff"

Tonks gratefully patted Asha's back as it was the first point she had earned from Snape. Usually, Snape would take off points from her house even for the slightest things and never had he ever awarded even a single point to anyone outside of Slytherin.

The time passed by quickly for the day, Asha, Tonks and Kyle attending most of their classes together, aside from Transfiguration and Herbology. Asha and Tonks had Transfiguration with the Gryffindors, meeting Charlie during the lesson, and Herbology with the Slytherins.

"What book was Professor Kettleburn asking us to read again ?"

Asked Asha skimming through the shelves of books in the library. Apparently Kettleburn had assigned them to read a book for their next lesson on Care of Magical Creatures, mostly known as COMC.

"I think it's The Monster Book of Monsters by um... Edwardus Lima, I think"

Kyle answered her question, struggling to find the book as well.

"Found it !"

Tonks exclaimed as she stared at the spine of the weird looking book, she earned a very nasty glare from Madam Pince. Though she has not seen its cover yet, she has a feeling it isn't a normal book.

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