๑ ᴄʜ. 20 ๑

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Jingle bells were ringing, rain deers were singing and the Christmas at the hall stood tall. A bright shimmering star on top, lighting the whole room up. It was a bright morning, sunny and snowing, gifts were unwrapped and passed amongst each other. Secret Santas were finally revealed. The grounds of Hogwarts was finally filled with snow. Multiple snowmen stood on the grounds, snowflakes are falling from the sky.

Everyone sat in the great hall, almost everyone had left to spend the holidays with their families. Only a few had remained at school. Obviously, Asha and her friends were amongst them. They were having breakfast, all of them in one table. The staff and students were all sitting in one table, in the middle of the great hall.

It was peaceful, students chatting with each other, sharing gossips and what else, but somehow it sounded a bit too quiet. Some of them were missing, perhaps five students were. A Slytherin, a Ravenclaw, a Gryffindor and two of the cheekiest Hufflepuff. Their usual seats at he Great Hall were empty and there wasn't just as much noise as there were from the past meals they had since the holidays started.

And with a sudden, their moments of peace was disturbed by the loud jingles of jingle bells. Aside from that, they heard voices singing Christmas carols loudly. The professors looked at each other, already know who to expect. Dumbledore had a curious smile on his face, Minerva with the look of shock whilst Snape just looked merely annoyed.


Asha, Tonks, Charlie, Andrew and Kyle sang or rather shouted as they enter the Great Hall. Asha dressed as an elf, Tonks as a deer, Charlie as a present, Andrew as Santa and Kyle as Mrs. Clause. Some students laughed, entertained by the five teens whilst some look rather annoyed as their breakfast was so 'elegantly' disturbed.

"Happy Christmas, Professor Snape"

Asha wished him merrily, sitting down on the last empty seat in front of him. He replies with a snobbish look and continuous on with his meal. Asha pouts and raises her brows with a smooth eye roll at his response.

"Happy Christmas, Miss Dream"

He hesitantly replies. Asha sits up, smiling as usual at him. Glad that he finally greeted her a Happy Christmas too. Maybe all her hard work is paying off ?

"Yay ! After years, you finally wished me a happy Christmas back"

As usual, Severus rolls his eyes at the statements and continued eating, and Asha went on with being that annoying chatter box along with her friends.

"Do you think he'll send me a letter ?"

Asha asked her friends, looking wondrously.

"Maybe in a day or two"

"Maybe today ?"

"Maybe never, even"

Asha pouts, reminding herself that he's probably busy with everything.

Snape couldn't help but listen to their conversation. Are they seriously talking about receiving a letter this early in the morning ? Nonetheless, a letter from a boy ? Who was this he anyway, that a letter to him means so much to Asha.

"Sorry to interrupt your stupid little chatter, but please maintain yourself to not speak of your boyfriend outside of school, Miss Dream. Whoever that unlucky man is"

"Dude what boyfriend ? That idiot is my brother... Roberto Dream ? Remember him"

Asha asked, trying to recall Snape's memory of a Roberto Dream.

"Oh that wiser and smarter brother of yours ? Preferred him than you"


That earned Asha a glare from Snape. She says nothing as she awkwardly looks down, and eats, trying to avoids to terrifying stare of Severus Snape.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2023 ⏰

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