Chapter 254: Re: I Am An Evil Pen

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Keke turned into powder in his hand, and disappeared from his world just like this. Wen Jingrong did not know how he should accept this reality.

事故发生后的一个多月,葛俊轩伤愈出院, 主动承担了调查事故原因的责任,并且对造成这一切的始作俑者——柏霖展开了疯狂的报复, 甚至不惜抛弃一半资产,与他死磕到底。

A month after the accident, Ge Junxuan recovered and was discharged from the hospital, took the responsibility to investigate the cause of the accident, and launched a crazy revenge against the person who caused it all—Bai Lin, even going so far as to abandon half of his assets to fight him to the end.

他的命是尚可和闻景戎救的, 最后却害得闻景戎失去了心爱的人。

His life was saved by Shang Ke and Wen Jingrong, but in the end, he caused Wen Jingrong to lose his beloved person.

闻景戎表面看起来毫无异常,每天按时上下班, 有条不紊地处理各种事务。但葛俊轩经常看到他习惯性地摸向自己空无一物的袖口,在签字的时候对着魔数笔出神,偶尔还会把他误叫成"可可",食欲不振,日渐消瘦, 晚上吃安眠药也无法入睡。

Wen Jingrong looked normal on the surface, going to work every day on time and dealing with various matters in an orderly manner. However, Ge Junxuan often saw him habitually touching his empty cuffs. When signing documents, he would stare at the magic pen in a trance and occasionally called it "Keke" by mistake. He has a loss of appetite, resulting in him gradually losing weight, and he couldn't sleep at night even after taking sleeping pills.

"兄弟,振作点,不要再折磨自己了, 心里难受就和我痛快喝一场, 然后好好生活!"葛俊轩有一天终于忍不住扯着他的衣领大喊。

"Brother, cheer up, stop torturing yourself. If you feel sad, have a drink with me, then live well!" One day, Ge Junxuan finally couldn't bear it any longer and pulled his collar and shouted.


"I'm fine." Wen Jingrong pulled his hand away, his voice cold and his expression indifferent.


"You call your ghastly look 'fine'? Yes, your company is getting bigger and bigger and earning more and more money, but how long has it been since you've had a good night's sleep? Working twenty hours a day, do you think you're an iron man?"


"Junxuan, you don't have to worry. I've been doing psychotherapy treatments recently. I believe I'll be fine soon." Wen Jingrong acted very rationally, and no sad emotion could be seen at all.


Ge Junxuan stared at him for a long time and finally gritted his teeth and said, "Good, I hope you'll do what you say."


Wen Jingrong really received psychological treatment. Every once a week, he will lie alone on a comfortable chair and talk to the empty room about everything about him and Keke. There was no psychiatrist nor professional counseling. There was only his voice.

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