Chapter 263: This Life-The Beginning (IV)

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"Keke~~" Qi Chen sat down next to Shang Ke and smilingly said, "Brother Dong asked me to go to the fitness center, accompany me there?"

"没空。"他正忙着改造世界呢,哪有这个时间?尚可的手指在键盘上霹雳啪哒地敲打着, 头也没抬。

"I'm not free." He was busy changing the world, how could he have the time for this? Shang Ke's fingers were tapping away on the keyboard, and he didn't even look up.


"Don't be like that! Come with me." Qi Chen hugged Shang Ke's waist and shamelessly started acting cute.

"说了不去就不去, 起开,起开, 别妨碍我做事。"尚可嫌弃地将他推开。

"I said I won't go. Go away, don't interfere with my work." Shang Ke pushed him away disgustedly.


Qi Chen was aggrieved: "If you're not going, then I'm not going too..."


Do what you want. Who cares if you want to go or not?


"... Then, I will stay at home to be your personal accessory, the kind that comes with a pranking function."


Shang Ke action paused and he turned his head to look at him,

戚辰立刻露出两排洁白的牙齿, 笑得牲畜无害。

Qi Chen immediately revealed two rows of white teeth, smiling harmlessly.


Shang Ke: "Why do I want to kill you so badly?"


Qi Chen: "That's because you love me so much."


"Get lost."


An hour later, Shang Ke and Qi Chen appeared at the Vitali Fitness Center.


Brother Dong was waiting for them at the swimming pool, along with a few familiar friends.

"尚可, 你出院了怎么也不叫我们出来庆祝一下?太不够意思了。"东哥上下打量尚可, 佯怒道。

"Shang Ke, why didn't you ask us to come out to celebrate when you got out of the hospital? Where's your brotherly loyalty?" Brother Dong studied Shang Ke and said with fake anger.


Shang Ke smiled: "I know all of you love to play. How would I dare ask you to come out before my body gets better?"


Brother Dong laughed out loud and asked, "So how are you doing now, are you all better?"

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