Chapter 264: This Life-The Beginning (V)

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Recently, Wei Xun has been having strange dreams, the details of which he can no longer remember, but they are definitely related to Shang Ke. When he wakes up, there is a wonderful feeling of fulfillment in his heart. But when he tries to grasp it, it disappears like a cloud.

尉勋不是一个感情丰富的人,至少他自己这么认为, 所以梦中的体验让他十分费解。更费解的是,为什么他会反复梦到仅仅才见过两三面的尚可?只因为他是自己唯一能够记住的人?

Wei Xun is not an emotional person, at least that's what he thinks so, so the experience in the dream is very puzzling to him. What was even more puzzling to him was why he was repeatedly dreaming about Shang Ke, whom he had only met two or three times. Just because he was the only person he could remember?

为此, 他很多天都没有再联系尚可。直到那天在游泳馆外,他又见到了神采飞扬的他,以及和他"亲亲我我"的戚辰。那一刻,他心中升起一股难以言喻的危机感和紧迫感,总觉得自己应该做点什么。

For this reason, he did not contact Shang Ke again for many days. That lasted until that day outside the swimming pool, where he saw the high-spirited him again, as well as Qi Chen who was being "intimate" with him. At that moment, an indescribable sense of crisis and urgency rose in his heart, and he kept feeling that he should do something about it.

然后就在昨晚, 他做了一场春梦。身体的感觉明确地告诉他,他想要尚可,想要他完完全全属于自己。这种感觉对于从青春期第一次梦遗之后便再也没有明显冲动以至于认为自己是性冷感的尉勋而言, 无异于火山爆发, 汹涌澎湃。

Then last night, he had a wet dream. The feeling in his body clearly told him that he wanted Shang Ke, wanted him to be completely his own. This feeling is like a volcanic eruption for Wei Xun, who has not had any obvious urges since his first wet dream in adolescence and considers himself to be sexually frigid.


Even so, he originally did not intend to make a move immediately, but instead chose to use text message communication to relieve his terrible desire. However, Shang Ke did not reply to a single message. This made the raging Wei Xun finally decide to use the simplest and most direct way to make Shang Ke remember him.


Hence, Wei Xun ran to Shang Ke's place in the middle of the night, used the skills he learned in the special forces to pry open the door, found Shang Ke who was taking a shower in the bathroom and meticulously did him.


Wei Xun didn't remember how many times he did it nor how hard he did it. When he stopped, the room was a mess and the sun was up. Wei Xun looked at Shang Ke who was sleeping in his embrace. His hand stroked Shang Ke's body as he felt the aftertaste of passion. The sound of sultry moans and the broken begging still seemed to be echoing in his ears. Wei Xun could not resist lifting his body and burying his head in his chest to lick back and forth...

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