Chapter 269: This Life-The Beginning (X)

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"Going abroad?" Wei Xun said coldly, looking at the person on the video call. "If he went abroad, why are you still here?

"抱歉,勋爷, 尚先生偷偷订了两张机票,中途趁我不注意上了另一架飞机。"

"Sorry, Master Xun. Mr. Shang secretly booked two plane tickets and got onto another plane while I wasn't paying attention."


"Where did he go?"


"F country"

尉勋参加完商会, 当天晚上便订机票飞往F国,但在追查到的酒店里并没有找到尚可, 线索到这里便中断了,直到他回国,也没有半点消息。

Wei Xun joined the Board of Commerce and booked a plane ticket to F country the same night. Yet, he didn't find Shang Ke at all in the hotel he investigated. The clues stopped here, and until he returned home, there was not the least bit of information.

起初,尉勋绝对相信尚可不会丢下自己的研发成果一走了之。但是,当他发现戚辰也在差不多时间失踪后, 心中便产生了怀疑。虽然他没有限制尚可的自由,但凭他一己之力,不可能消失得如此彻底, 唯有戚辰有这个能力也有足够的理由送他离开。

At first, Wei Xun was absolutely convinced that Shang Ke wouldn't abandon his own research results and quit. However, when he realized that Qi Chen also went missing around the same time, doubt arose in his heart. Even though he didn't restrict Shang Ke's freedom, it's still impossible for him to disappear based on his capabilities. Only Qi Chen has the ability and sufficient reasons to send him away.

"Evan, 无论你用什么手段,尽快帮我把他找到!"

"Evan, no matter what means you use, help me find him as soon as possible!"


Here, Wei Xun was following false clues to search for Shang Ke in several developed countries. However, he didn't know that Shang Ke was thrown into an unknown remote village on the other side of the ocean by his own family.


There was no formal public security here, hiding many illegal dens, with a mix of crooks and honest folks. The signal was extremely poor and there was only one dilapidated bus that enters and leaves the village every day.


Shang Ke rolled a few times in the garbage heap, making himself look like a wandering drifter. He spent a day walking the streets and alleys, exploring the terrain and environment to remember them, and in the meantime, "borrowed" some money from a few thieves.


After two days of adapting, Shang Ke stocked up on some living supplies and got on a bus to G city. Before leaving, he used a pocket knife to carve a robot pattern on the alley wall where he woke up. He then added an arrow pointing to G city.

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