Chapter 270: This Life-The Beginning (XI)

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Shang Ke changed into new clothes, tidied himself up, and instantly changed from a poor wandering artist to a capable young man.

确定英勇赴死的目标后, 他反而轻松下来,不再像先前那般小心谨慎, 顾虑重重。他是要征服死亡的男人,又何必畏惧与世俗抗争?

After determining his heroic death goal, he relaxed and was no longer as cautious or worried as before. He was a man who would conquer death, so why should he be afraid to fight against the world?

"走吧, 戚辰,我们回国。"尚可将自己的吉他送给了一个孩子, 轻装简行,身边跟着已经恢复勿独记忆、获得系统的戚辰。戚辰应该不知道自己保留了前世的记忆,尚可自然也不会暴露。

"Let's go, Qi Chen, we're going home." Shang Ke gave his guitar to a child. He was dressed simply walked in a relaxed manner, followed by Qi Chen, who had recovered his memory and gained a system. Qi Chen shouldn't know that he had retained the memory of his previous life, and Shang Ke naturally wouldn't reveal it.

无论是曾经的师弟勿独,还是如今的发小戚辰,尚可都说不上恨, 却也没了往昔的情分。勿独或许爱他,但他的爱参杂着太多不甘和嫉恨,就像一个赌气的孩子, 非得分个胜负。

Whether it was his former junior brother Wu Du, or the current childhood friend Qi Chen, Shang Ke could not say he hated them, but the affections of the past were no longer there. Perhaps Wu Du loved him, but his love was mixed with too much unresignment and jealous hate, just like a peeved child unable to score a victory.

"可可, 你笑什么?"戚辰不明所以地望着他。

"Keke, what are you laughing at?" Qi Chen looked at him in confusion.


"I'm laughing at you for wearing your underwear outside."


"What? I didn't! I didn't wear underwear at all today!"




Wei Xun followed the clues to G City, searching during the whole journey. He found the same robot markings separately in the back alleys of bars, ruins, construction sites, and other places throughout every block of the small town. Wei Xun asked all around but found no sign that KeKe had worked in those places, until he saw the line of words on the cart of an old scrap collector: 【The feeling of not bathing for five days is like making pickled vegetables— air dried, soaked, and then waiting to slowly ferment. 7/15/2020】 → SangWei Town。

"Oh,Sweet Boy。"拾荒老人见到尉勋拿出来的照片,笑道,"我很喜欢他,他在我身边待了十几天。"

"Oh, Sweet Boy." The old scrap collector saw the photo that Wei Xun took out, laughed, and said, "I really like him. He stayed by my side for around ten days."


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