Chapter 266: This Life-The Beginning (VII)

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Wei Xun originally only had the mindset of a financial backer with the thought of "giving him money to play as long as he stays with him" as he collaborated with Shang Ke, but after reading the information sent by Shang Ke, he was surprised to find that the technical content and development prospects were very promising.

机器人研发目前还处于起步阶段, 多用于某些猎奇的有钱人和高科技实验室。对于普通民众而言,没有多少吸引力。因为不够智能, 不够实用,而且价格昂贵。

Robotics research and development is still in its infancy, mostly used by some curious rich people and high-tech laboratories. For the general public, there is not much appeal. They are not smart enough, not practical enough, and expensive.

但尚可对于机器人的构想, 完全是为日常生活服务的,按照功能主要分为宠物机器人、烹饪机器人、装潢机器人、知识百度机器人、清洁机器人、医疗护理机器人等等, 还有专业定制的导盲机器人、咖啡机器人、迎宾机器人以及综合性智能机器人。如果能够完美实现的话,即使只实现其中几种功能,也足以成为风靡全球的专利产品。

But Shang Ke's vision of robots is entirely for everyday life, and is divided by function into pet robots, cooking robots, decorating robots, knowledge encyclopedia robots, cleaning robots, medical care robots, and so on, as well as professional customized guide robots, coffee machine robots, welcoming robots, and comprehensive smart robots. If they can be created perfectly, even if only a few of those mentioned functions could be achieved, they would still be a patented product that would conquer the world.


It's just that these patents have not yet passed the application, and Wei Xun cannot be sure whether the technological skills mastered by Shang Ke is really as powerful as described in the data. If he can provide a finished product...

尚可刚回国就接到戚辰母亲的电话, 抱怨某个不孝子很久不和他们联系,只知道胡混。

When Shang Ke returned home, he received a call from Qi Chen's mother, complaining that some ungrateful son had not contacted them for a long time and only knew how to fool around.

"可可啊,你一定要帮我狠狠管教一下那个小子, 真是越来越不像话了!"

"Keke, you must help me to discipline that kid, he's getting worse and worse!"

"呵呵, 没问题。"

"Haha, no problem."


After ending the call, Shang Ke fished out Qi Chen's number and was just about to dial it when the doorbell suddenly rang, and the one standing outside was the "ungrateful son".


"Keke." Qi Chen hugged Shang Ke and wailed in pain, "I got dumped!"


Shang Ke wasn't affected at all. He carried Qi Chen in like carrying a sack, then he kicked the door close.


"I got dumped, Keke." Qi Chen looked at him pitifully, with a stupid look that begged to be appeased.

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