Chapter 271: This Life-The Beginning (XII)

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Wei Xun didn't immediately look for Shang Ke after returning to China. Insteadm he went straight to his father, Wei Xingye, who was at J Province.

刚一见面, 尉勋还没开口,尉兴业已经指着他的鼻子骂起来:"你还有脸来见我, 滚滚滚,和那个小白脸有多远滚多远?"

Just as they saw each other, Wei Xun hadn't opened his mouth yet, but Wei Xingye immediately pointed at his nose and cursed, "You still have the face to come see me? Scram! Scram as far as you've gone with that gigolo!"

尉勋知道尚可和他父亲见过面, 只是不清楚他们具体谈了些什么,不过看他现在的模样, 应该是在尚可那里吃了亏。

Wei Xun knew that Shang Ke had met his father, but he didn't exactly know what they talked about. However, looking at his current expression, Shang Ke must've made him suffer.

尚可竟然让他父亲吃了亏?他父亲当年参加过数十场战争,杀人从不手软,虽然和平之后,脾气稍有收敛,但也不是什么遵纪守法的良民, 否则也不会干出随便把一个无辜的人扔到国外自生自灭的龌龊事了。

Shang Ke actually made his father suffer? His father had participated in dozens of wars in the past, and he never thought twice about killing. Although his temper was somewhat curbed after peace, he wasn't some law-abiding citizen, otherwise he would not just do a dirty thing like casually throwing an innocent person abroad to survive.

在这一点上,尉勋似乎也深受影响,做事我行我素, 只是我行我素前, 很少会留下把柄。尚可之所以能够找到那么多非法材料当作自己的筹码,也是因为尉兴业在位多年,关系错综复杂,牵连甚广,顺藤摸瓜之下,才整理出一份相对完整的档案。

At this point, Wei Xun also seemed to be deeply affected. He did things his way, but before he went his way, he left very little blackmail material behind. The reason why Shang Ke was able to find so many illegal materials as his bargaining chip was because Wei Xingye had been in power for many years. He had many complicated relationships, and the implications were numerous. By following the clues, he was able to compile a relatively complete file.


"Father, I came to tell you today that the sweet potato (illegitimate child) you sent to E country, I've already taken care of him for you.


Wei Xingye was dumbfounded, then immediately flipped out, "What did you do with him?"


"I've done what you've done to Shang Ke." Wei Xun replied indifferently. "Rest assured. He's an adult. He won't die abroad because he's penniless and unable to speak the language. You saw that Shang Ke also returned safe and sound, right?"


Wei Xingye's eyes burned with rage. He pointed at Wei Xun, unable to speak.


"If you dare to touch my people next time, I don't mind continuing to clean up the family for you." Wei Xun turned and walked to the doorway, then paused again. "By the way, just a sentence to remind you, my mother seemed to have noticed."

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