Chapter 272: This Life-The Beginning (XIII)

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Shang Ke opened his eyes in a daze, and found that he was lying on bed in the bedroom, his body stark naked under the bedding, sore and weak. A head was buried in his chest, and soft hair covered most of the man's face. The hot and powerful breath swept across his skin, bringing a sense of weakness.

"醒了?"尉勋无意识地在尚可颈边蹭了蹭, 声音中带着餍足的慵懒。

"You're awake?" Wei Xun unconsciously nuzzled against the side of Shang Ke's neck, his voice full of languid satisfaction.

想起两人在车上的疯狂,尚可脸上有些发热, 节操掉了几百公里,以后都没脸做一朵高岭之花了。

Recalling their frenzy in the car, Shang Ke's face became hot. After his morals dropped several hundred kilometers, he was too embarrassed to act like a pure and untouchable flower on a tall mountain peak.


"Keke." Wei Xun hung a hand over his waist and nibbled on his ear.


Shang Ke didn't want to move or pay attention to him. He only wants to bury himself into the quilt and die.

尉勋看着怀里暖乎乎的一团, 满足感像是要溢出来一般,在心中温柔地荡漾着。

Wei Xun looked at the warm bundle in his embrace, and a sense of satisfaction seemed to overflow, gently rippling in his heart.

正在尉勋想着就这样抱着他睡一整天,还是先吃个饭再抱着他睡一整天时, 门外传来敲门声, 随即是保镖的声音:"勋爷,快9点了,今天约好要去看老爷子的。"

Just when Wei Xun was thinking about just hugging him to sleep all day, or eating a meal first and then holding him to sleep all day, there was a knock on the door, followed by the voice of a bodyguard, "Master Xun, it's almost 9 o'clock. The appointment to see the old Master today was made."


The Wei family's old Master suddenly suffered a stroke not long ago, and was now recuperating in a hot spring villa. Although he had not handed down his position, a change of power was imminent. The next appointed successor will directly affect the stability of the Wei family in the next few years. Wei Xun was not the eldest son, nor was he part of the bureaucracy, but he still carried the name of the Wei family, and there were some things that can't be avoided.


Wei Xun's complexion sank slightly. He kissed Shang Ke on his head, "I need to go out for a trip, and I might not return today. There's a housekeeper next door. If you want to eat something, just call her over to do it. Don't be busy and rest properly."


After hearing Shang Ke's response, Wei Xun got out of bed to freshen up, and opened the door after he was dressed properly.


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