Chapter 258: Back To That Key Moment ⑩

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When Wen Jingrong woke up, he found Keke lying like an octopus on his body and his soft hair was bathed under the sunshine. The temperature of his body, the sense of touch on his skin, the beating of his heart, filled his cold life with vivid colors.

闻景戎低头眷恋地亲吻怀中的人, 眼中的深情犹如一片能够腻死人的大海。

Wen Jingrong lowered his head to kiss the person in his embrace nostalgically, and the deep love in his eyes was like a sea that could kill.

似乎感觉到唇上传来的温软,尚可无意识地回应、追逐, 吸收着美味的福光,品尝着亲昵的甜蜜,直到身体再次被充实,被摆弄,尚可才不情不愿地睁开眼。

Shang Ke seemed to have felt the warmth and softness coming from the lips. He responded unconsciously, chasing and absorbing the delicious blessing and tasted the sweetness of intimacy. It was only when his body was filled again and being moved about when Shang Ke reluctantly opened his eyes.

以前还是煞笔时, 淫欲是他的食物,如今作为一支根正苗红的伏笔,淫欲成为了极度消耗体力的春药。偏偏他又舍不得驱散淫欲带来的美好感觉, 只能竭尽所能地吸收福光。

In the past, when he was still an evil pen, lust was his food. But now that he was a concealed pen from a good family, lust has become an extremely exhausting aphrodisiac. However, he was reluctant to leave the pleasure brought to him by the lust, so he could only do everything he could to absorb the blessing.

闻景戎对他的亲近自然是喜闻乐见, 直接后果就是需索无度,不知节制。

Wen Jingrong was naturally happy to see his intimacy. The result was that he became demanding and didn't know how to control.


"Enough..." Shang Ke's voice was hoarse, "Don't you have to work today?"


"I'm the boss, I can go whenever I want." Wen Jingrong's was in a very good mood at the moment. His tone of voice unconsciously revealed some arrogance and a look of complacency.


"Out, take it out!" Shang Ke stepped one foot on Wen Jingrong's waist and abdomen area, but ended up letting him take advantage of the opportunity to go deeper, "... Bastard!"


Shang Ke angrily said, "Are you taking it out or not!"


Wen Jingrong leaned down and kissed his nose, "Be obedient. Let's go once more, I'll go lighter."


"In bed, you have no credibility to speak of."


"My 'sexual desire[1]' is still unable to satisfy you?" Wen Jingrong sincerely said, "It's okay, I'll keep trying."


"... Fuck!"


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