Chapter 268: This Life-The Beginning (IX)

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Shang Ke (one-sidedly) and Wei Xun entered a cold war, and it was a very cold one. It only took him half a day to change all the security systems and passwords of the building, and he even upgraded the system. Even with a key, one could not get in. The reason why Shang Ke agreed to move in so simply back then is because of the tight security system here.

当尉勋第一次被高科技挡在门外时,心中别提有多憋屈, 同时也意识到以后再也不能愉快地闯空门。

When Wei Xun was blocked by the great technology for the first time, one could imagine how frustrated he had felt. At the same time, he also realized that he can no longer happily break in in the future.

虽然两人是合作关系,但尚可主要负责技术, 前期建设他没必要参与。

Although the two are in partnership, Shang Ke is mainly responsible for the technological aspect. The first stage of construction had no need for him to participate.


"Mr. Shang, the ingredients you ordered have arrived." The voice of the security guard came from the communicator.


The courtyard door opened, and the delivery man walked through the small garden familiarly. He placed the ingredients at the door and left.

不过一会, 尚可从屋子里走出来,将门口的东西搬进去。

A moment later, Shang Ke came out of the house and carried the things at the door in.

一个高大的身影靠在窗帘后的阴影中,默不作声地望着尚可的身影消失在门内。自从那日之后, 尚可已经连续十几天对他避而不见了。不接电话, 不回短信,除了公事上的交流,再也没有其他联系。一个人躲在家里搞研究,生活所需全靠网购。每天放风的时间,总是和他外出的时间同步。

A tall figure leaned in the shadow behind the curtain, silently watching Shang Ke's figure disappear behind the door. Ever since that day, Shang Ke has been avoiding him for more than ten days in a row. He did not answer his phone nor reply to his messages. Other than communicating regarding their work, they had no other contacts. He stays at home alone to do research, and all his daily needs rely on online shopping. The time Shang Ke left the house is always the same as the time he went out.


"I heard that your family has arranged another blind date for you?" In the room, a phoenix-eyed man sat gracefully on the sofa and said to Wei Xun with a smile, "The other party seems to be the daughter from the Wang family?"


"Yeah." Wei Xun walked over to the sofa and sat down, picked up the red wine on the coffee table and poured himself half a glass.


"I've met that Miss Wang before. She's pretty and plays the piano well. She has a good personality too, so she's a good match for you."


"Since when did you change your job to become a matchmaker?" Wei Xun's brows didn't even move as he tasted the wine.

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