Chapter 262: This Life-The Beginning (III)

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Shang Ke began to think about ways to make money, and it was ways to make a lot of money. Before the accident, he had just graduated for a short while. His salary plus the money earned from odd jobs over the years was a savings of only a total of around 200k+ (30k~ dollars). This is also thanks to Wei Xun for helping him pay all the medical bills, otherwise he must now be in debt.

二十几万对于其他刚刚步入社会的青年而言或许已经很不错了,但对比某人的家世和财力, 尚可这种土根就差太多了,简直和路边的杂草没什么两样。他并不是妄自菲薄, 而是爱人如此高大上,自己也不能太寒碜。

For other young people just entering society, 200k+ may already have been very good, but compared to someone's family and financial resources, Shang Ke's meagre savings was just too incomparable. He was simply no different from roadside weeds. He wasn't trying to belittle himself, but his lover is so high up, he can not be too shabby.

这一世, 他学的是机械电子工程,所以想要赚钱的话,最好从这方面下手,贸然涉足其他行业容易引起别人的怀疑。

In this life, he studied mechanical and electronic engineering. So if he wanted to make money, it is best to start in this area. Rashly getting involved in other industries is easy to cause the suspicion of others.

技术行业一般两级分化,高收入往往与新技术挂钩, 而尚可最不缺的就是新技术。他经历过的好几个世界,技术水平都比这个世界要先进,只是考虑到能源、金属材料等因素的差异, 需要重新计算和调适, 但核心原理却是共通的。

The technology industry is generally divided into two levels, high income is often linked to new technology, and Shang Ke is the least short of new technology. He has experienced several worlds in which levels of technology are more advanced than this world. But taking into account the differences in energy, metal materials and other factors, he would need to recalculate and adjust, but the core principles are applicable.


After thinking about it again and again, Shang Ke decided to make the "home robot" as his first technical project of research and development. There are already many smart robots today, but this kind of "smart" is far from the true level of "smart" in Shang Ke's opinion. They can only execute simple commands. Commands such autonomous garbage cleaning, fine food processing, visitor record, express delivery, renovation and transport, danger warning, health diagnosis and so on are still unavailable or still not efficient yet. What Shang Ke wants to do is make improvements and innovate based on the existing technology, so that smart robots become as popular as the computer as a good companion at home.


But with his current financial situation, he is obviously unable to build a company. Hence, he plans to focus on design innovation, and then apply for a patent, and then find a partner. He could come up with tens of similar technologies easily, but a robotics project should be enough for collaborative development.

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