Chapter 261: This Life-The Beginning (II)

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When Shang Ke was rehabilitating, he took the chance to ask Qi Chen a lot of things about Wei Xun, and the results made him a little dumbfounded.

尉勋的爷爷是现任军委主席, 父亲是J省军区司令员,母亲是文化部副部长, 弟弟是国家科技研究院院士,妹妹是国际知名的驻外记者, 其他亲戚个个权贵显达,堪称首都第一名门。

Wei Xun's grandfather is the current Chairman of Military Commision, his father is Commander of the Military Region of J Province, his mother is the Deputy Minister of Culture, his younger brother is an academician of the National Academy of Science and Technology, his younger sister is a internationally renowned journalist stationed abroad, and his other relatives were all powerful figures as well and could be considered the number one bloodline in the capital.

而尉勋本人, 原本是某特种部队的教官,后来因为一场意外而提前退伍,拒绝了家人的安排,自己召集一群退伍老兵创办公司,毅然走上了开挂捞金的土豪路线。如此扎眼的家世背景, 如果只做朋友,那就是一条比大象腰还要粗的金大腿;但如果做恋人,那就是一场国家级毁灭性大灾难。

Wei Xun himself was originally a special force instructor, but retired early because of an accident. He rejected his family arrangement, gathered a group of veterans to start a company, and resolutely embarked on the route of a cheat like tycoon. He had such a dazzling family background. If they were to be friends, he would be a golden thigh thicker than an elephant's waist; but if they were to be lovers, it would be a national level devastating catastrophe.

要知道他所在的国家, 还没有承认同性婚姻, 大多数同志最终都在世俗的压力下选择了结婚生子。普通人家尚且如此,更别说是拥有军政背景的尉家了。

In the country he was in country, same-sex marriage was still not recognised. Most gay people eventually choose to marry and have children under the pressure of the world. This was already the case with ordinary people, let alone the Wei family with military and political background.


Shang Ke's abduction plan was aborted because of Wei Xun's identity. He can choose not to care for his side, but can not disregard Wei Xun's reputation and situation. In addition, he is now just an ordinary man living under someone's support and had no strength to face the Wei family. So be it, let's be brothers first then. Shang Ke has long passed the hot-blooded stage of love where he would love even if the world collapses, his body is destroyed or he becomes enemies with the world. Being like brothers and having a harmonious friendship seems pretty good too. Before he found a relatively safe position to come out of the closet at the very least, he would maintain a pure male-male relationship for the time being. Of course, if someone is forced to get married, then don't blame him for going destructive.


Speaking of which, Wei Xun doesn't seem to look young anymore. Was he 32 or 35?


He did his rehabilitation while thinking about the future, and before he knew it, it was time to leave the hospital.

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