Chapter 260: This Life-The Beginning (I)

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A/N: This will be the last arc of the novel, and I just realize there are only 15 more chapters before the novel ends. I will update the last 10 chapters tomorrow if it's possible. Anygays, Enjoy Reading y'all!~

【All second chances are completed. The mission is over and the host will return to the real world in five minutes.】

尚可刚刚与闻景戎走完幸福的一生, 还没来得及感伤和怀念,便听到系统的提示消息。

Shang Ke had just finished a happy life with Wen Jingrong, but before he had time to feel sentimental and nostalgic, he heard the system's prompt message.

"等等, 回归现实世界?"尚可忙道,"不是还有隽隽和撒牙的世界吗?"

"Wait, return to the real world?" Shang Ke hurriedly said, "Isn't there still the world of Juan Juan and Saya?"0

【任务失败的世界永远消失, 没有回溯的机会;神祇的世界,触及法则, 无法重启第二次。】

【The world which you have failed the mission would disappear forever and there is no chance to go back; For the world of the gods, because of the law of that world, you cannot return a second time.】


"Disappear?" Shang Ke's heart tightened, "What does disappearing mean?"

【任务成功,世界存档;任务失败,世界删除。换言之,那个世界已经脱离系统的控制, 除非宿主将来有机会降生到那个世界,让系统再次融合那个世界的时间法则。】

【If the mission succeeded, the world is archived; if the mission fails, the world is deleted. In other words, that world is no longer under the control of the system, unless the host has the opportunity to be born into that world in the future so that the system can integrate with the time laws of that world again.】

尚可思索片刻,开口道:"你的意思是, 封隽所在的世界并不是真的消失, 而是独立出去了?"

Shang Ke pondered for a moment and said, "What you mean is that, the world that Feng Juan was in didn't really disappear, but became independent?"


【It can be understood that way.】


"As long as I can find that world, I have a chance to go back?"


【That's theoretically correct.】


Shang Ke calmed down a little. Although the hope was slim, it was not impossible. As long as the imprint of time and space is still there, they will eventually meet one day.


It's just that the mission is already over...


"Will I... still be able to see him?"


【As long as the system still exist.】

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