Chapter 257: Back To That Key Moment ⑩

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"Mr. Wen, we've negotiated with Ji Tong village, and if things go well, we can begin construction in a week." Secretary Tong Fei reported while passing the document to Wen Jingrong.


"Negotiated?" Wen Jingrong was doubtful, "Nothing unexpected happened during the process? Wasn't there a petition before?"


Petition? What's the situation? Shang Ke, who was leaning on Wen Jingrong's finger, muttered secretly.

系统即时解答:【吉通乡是闻景戎准备开发的新项目, 由于大部分乡民坚决反对,这片区域一直没有人收购成功。】

The system instantly answered: 【Ji Tong village is a new project that Wen Jingrong is going to develop. Due to the majority of the villagers firmly opposing, this area has not been successfully acquired.】

"这件事说来也是运气。"童斐表情古怪地解释道, "那些乡民确实打算上访,但在临行前, 他们视为守护神的百年老树突然被雷电给劈成了两半,接着很多乡民家中的牲口相继染上瘟疫,损失惨重,不少人都说这是天意,然后, 他们就同意接受我们的收购了。"

"This matter is also by luck." Tong Fei explained with an odd expression, "The villagers did intend to start a petition, but before they left, the century-old tree they regarded as a guardian god was suddenly split in half by lightning, and then many villagers' livestock successively caught the plague and they suffered heavy losses. Many people said it was God's will, and then, they agreed to accept our acquisition. "


"There was no objection to our purchase price?"



闻景戎默然:为什么比上辈子还顺利?当初为了消耗身上的福光,他极尽奸商之能事,不择手段地为非作歹。比如这次收购, 他把价格压得很低, 还预备了强制拆迁队,结果什么手段都还没用上,收购就成功了?

Wen Jingrong was silent: Why was it even smoother than his previous life? In the beginning, in order to consume the blessing on his body, he did his best to be a dishonest businessman, and did not hesitate to do wrong by any means. For example, in this acquisition, he lowered the price to a very low level, and also prepared a demolition team to enforce this. However, the acquisition was successful before any of these means were used?


"The contract is also signed?" Wen Jingrong asked again.


"Yes." Tong Fei glanced at Wen Jingrong strangely, why did his boss look unhappy? By right, finishing this project effortlessly at a price 20% lower than that of the standard price was enough to be considered the most successful and lucky acquisition in the industry.


With a sullen face, Wen Jingrong instructed, "Help me draft an additional contract to compensate each family an extra 1000¥ per square meter."

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