Chapter One: Athens.

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"Athenssss" my mum shouts. "Could you please hurry up---we need to leave." "I'm on my way mom. I just have to shower and that's it." I shout back.

"You haven't showered?!" she screams.

To be honest, I'm used to her screaming her guts out every day when it comes to me. I'm quite the lazy person but come on, who wakes their daughter up at 7 am to go on a journey she didn't consent to? See, my lovely mommy (cue the sarcasm) loves going on trips a lot. Don't get me wrong. I love going on trips or maybe used to but my mom over did it and now I'm pretty tired of it. Anyways, she's my mom---gotta roll with it.

By now I'm done showering, dressing up and now I'm applying a little make up. It's pretty simple, just some chapstick and a little mascara. I'm not a fan of heavy makeup really.

"Athens I promise you I'm going to leave you aargh hurry the hell up!" My mom hollers from downstairs. She's funny really I mean, of course she can't leave me she's just agitated. I rush downstairs in a hoodie and jeans "I'm here mom." I say. "About time" She replies and I roll my eyes discretely of course.

We carry our bags to the big SUV we're using to get to the airport. Meanwhile we're going to Boston Massachusetts to see an aunt. She got married a year ago and my mum promised to visit---no shock there.

Oh my God I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself, very funny. Well I'm Athens Dora Authentic--- rare name I know but the first and last names were chosen by my mom and dad respectively because my mother loves the place called Athens and Authentic because my father loves being unique---weird parents, I know. The middle name was picked by my grandmother. She lives in Tennessee with grandpa. They're so lovely. Shit I over talk but okay back to myself lol. Yes I'm Athens. I live in L.A. California yeee I'm a Cali girl haha. I go to University of California and I'm pursuing Law. I come from an affluent family actually very affluent, I'm not even bragging but my parents come from families with old money. I'm just thankful they aren't as snobby as their friends but they're quite the extravagant ones.
I'm an only child. I think it's because my parents got so busy after giving birth to me soo yeah. My parents are Lucas Berman and Lydia Berman---happily married. I think that's it for now---right? Yes.

We arrive at the airport and board my father's private jet---you know, I'd love to grow up and be as rich as my parents I mean this is crazy. I'm working on it though---I have a 4.0 GPA score so that's something.

We set off towards Boston and I don't know how long it takes because I sleep immediately after we take off. I feel someone tapping me "Hey, we're here." Mom says to me. I rub my eyes and stretch while yawning. "Woahh that was fast." I say. "Uh that's because you slept through the whole journey." She replies while rolling her eyes. I shrug and stand up to leave the jet and my mom stands up too.

My dad couldn't make it because he got an urgent call from work so he left after apologising, I'm used to it. We find a car awaiting us courtesy of my aunt and the driver politely greets us and we do the same to him. He takes our bags and puts them in the trunk of the Range rover. We all get in and drive through the city as I stare at the buildings with some green around but not as much as the one back in L.A. I don't know if I'm being biased.
After what feels like forever, we approach a tall black gate and I know we've arrived at the place.

The gate slides open to reveal a huge ass mansion and the driver packs next to the front door. My aunt is already by the doorway with a big smile plastered on her face. The driver opens the car door facing the house and my mom and I move out. We are hugged tight by my aunt there and then. "Oh my God welcome my dear sister and beautiful niece" my aunt Mrs. Jolly Phillips says happily. "Thank youuu" my mum and I reply with the same energy. We are welcomed into the house and it's really beautiful from the chandeliers to the long staircase and the slick tiles.

"How long has it been? A year? Wow I'm so happy you two are here." Aunt Jolly says. "Sorry we took long but here we are now. I love the decor, sis. This is beautiful really. Where's Jeff and the kids?" My mom asks. Jefferson Phillips is my aunt's husband and they have two kids, Jordan and Jillian. I really miss my cousins mostly Jillian since she's the same age as me---twenty one. "Thanks sis. Jordan went to work with Jeff and Jillian is out with her friends since it's the last day before summer break but both of them will be back around dinner time." She says.

Her elder brother Jordan is twenty four who just graduated from university of Massachusetts early this year. He's now working with his father Jeff at their company of engineering. "Hey, how about you two freshen up and get back down here after I've prepared dinner?" My aunt asks. Mom and I agree and go upstairs to our rooms as assigned by aunt Jolly though I sleep instead and wake up at around five thirty pm. I shower and dress up in a hoodie and sweatpants. I go downstairs and find my mom and aunt speaking in the kitchen and they ask me to organise the dining table.

"Aunt, is Jillian back yet?" I ask. As soon as I finish my question, I hear a loud voice coming towards the kitchen. "Mom, I'm home!!!" It's Jillian.

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