Chapter 11: Athens.

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Today was special in many ways because I got to be around Sidney. He's a gentleman and all...a good cook too. He's fun and of course he's handsome...even hot. But anyways we're just friends though that seems weird to say after the day we had together. I don't want to overthink it because I know once I overthink stuff, I'll end up acting on it in a wrong way so I'll just go around my own shit and if the universe decides, it will put us together as more than friends. I don't like him as much to date him yet because I don't know him very well. All I know is his name, his family except his dad and I know he's rich. I also know a few of his likes and dislikes like he hates being asked about his family's wealth. He likes eating a lot which is normal for any growing man. I'm not judging but all in all, I had a lot of fun today with him and I loved the way he looked at me like I was some precious gem or something. I blushed a lot like a hormonal teenager...Ugh.

Right now though, I need to sleep. I don't care about showering. I can do that tomorrow because I'm so tired. I clean off my makeup and change into my pyjamas after tying my wavy hair into a messy bun. I plug my phone in the charger and fall face first onto my bed. Sleep sets in there and then and I'm in dreamland already.

I yawn loudly when I wake up in the morning and check my phone to find it's noon. Wow, I really slept a lot. I drag myself to the bathroom and clean myself up. I wear a hoodie and sweatpants ready to stay in and catch up on Netflix series I've been pushing off lately. I go downstairs and find mum and aunt Jolly in the kitchen.

"Hey mum...hey auntie." I say with a cheerful smile which they return. "Hey darlin' " Aunt Jolly says. "Hey honey. I feel like I haven't seen you in ages." Mum stares at me. "What? Oh c'mon mum...I see you everyday." I say while moving to hug her from behind since she's a bit shorter than I am. I smile broadly and she can't resist the urge to smile back. "I love you mum."  "Haha nice job at trying to change the subject, missy. " Mum replies jokingly. Aunt Jolly is silently chopping the vegetables for lunch. I groan because mum gets me whenever I try to change subject all the time.
"You have to tell us everything." She continues and I give her a look of horror and aunt Jolly finally turns away from chopping veggies with a smirk. "You too aunt?!" I  exclaim.
"Mmh hmm...tell us what's going on honey. Is it a guy?" my aunt says and I swear both their smiles increase in size that I think their lips might tear and look like the Joker's.

"Nooo're getting this all wrong ugh." I say to them but even I know I'm lying. It's all about a certain guy but I can't fess not now...not yet. Both mum and auntie look at me with excitement and hope that I'll fulfill  their gossip hunger and I just shake my head at them.

"Okay, can you promise to tell us whenever you're ready?" mum asks hopefully. My mum's such a gossip and I laugh a little at that.  "Please honey." aunt Jolly says.

I just stand leaning against the long fridge looking at the two women.  "Alright fine, I'll tell you whenever I'm ready." I say quickly and open the fridge to hide my red heated face and also avoid more questions from them. "Ohhh Jolly she's blushing....look at her!!" mum says. "You better tell us soon Athens." Aunt Jolly concludes.

I nod and grab a pack of grapes from the fridge. I'm not really in the mood to eat. I walk to the lounge where I find Jill seated alone. "Hey cuz...what's up?" I say.   "Oh you know nothing much...just bored and missing the fun times I used to have with my cousin when we were younger." She looks kind of hurt. What? I think I did that. Uh oh.   "I'm so sorry Jill. I think I got caught up in this whole Sidney moment...and stuff." I say with a fallen face.
"You think?" she scoffs.
She actually scoffs meaning she's pissed at me. "Jill I'm sorry. c'monnnn." I say with my best puppy dog face.

"Only if you promise to hang out with me today." she says with hope.

"Of course cuz." I reply while hugging her. I can't believe she has to ask for me to hangout with her. I feel bad so I'll make it up to her although I'm not really sure how. She hugs me back and we share the pack of grapes I have while watching some documentary. I still don't know why she watches that shit.  "Okay what should we do today?" I ask her because one, I've no idea since it's been long since we hung out and two, because I want us to do something she chooses. "Hmmmm..." Jill taps her chin in thought. "There's sleepover, we could also catch up while swimming in the jacuzzi in the backyard."

"Sounds great! Grab your swimsuit and I'll grab mine...race you there!"

We giggle and run off to our rooms. This reminds me of when we were younger and mom and aunt Jolly would make us race at almost everything we did. I change into a bikini and smear sunscreen then rush down the stairs and out of  the backdoor only to find Jill already preparing the jacuzzi for the both of us. Ugh she beat me to it...she always does. We get into the water with the hot sun above us. How I love the summer! Cue the sarcasm.

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