Chapter 16: Athens.

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I reach home exhausted like hell and all I need is a hot bath, some food and sleep. Tomorrow I'm working half day since I finished most of my work today...yeyy.

As much as I love work, I need some rest after all I'm not fully working class. I get out of my jeep and rush into the house where I find Jill at the kitchen counter typing on her laptop. 

"Hey hey. I'm back." I greet her.

"Hey Athens or should I say working lady." Jill greets with a smile. Everyone is calling me working lady lately.

"Haha what are you working on here?" I ask peeping over her shoulder and she swats me away.  "Haven't you ever heard of bad luck?" She asks with a serious face and I raise an eyebrow in question.  "You shouldn't see my work until I'm done. Seeing it earlier might make me forget everything I'm doing...bad luck." She explains like she's talking to a three year old.

"Yeahhhh..." I have no reply.

I walk to the fridge and grab an apple. Jill works for her mum at their textile company so Jill is like a designer there. She works hard and her work is really good. Last time she designed some cool blouses and they really sold.

Aargh I need real food. I decide to make some spaghetti.  "Jill, you hungry?" I need to know so I can make enough food for the both of us.  "Nope. Just ate and there's some left over food in the fridge. You can warm that and eat."  Phew I don't have to cook....I'm tired.  I pull out some macaroni and cheese from the fridge and put in the microwave to warm. I sit on one of the chairs there in the kitchen as I wait. The microwave pings after some time and I jump from my seat to get my food. I serve everything on a plate and pour myself some orange juice from the fridge. I grab my glass of juice and plate of food and match to my room happily. I have to put my glass down to open the door and walk in.

I put everything on my bedside table and decide to change into comfy clothing first. I wear shorts and a big shirt then sit on my bed to chomp down my food. I eat with all the hunger I have and take my juice. I need to go to the gym some tummy is beginning to bloat. Embarrassing.
I put the glass and plate back on the bedside table then decide to read a book after. I'm now reading a book called After by Anna Todd. Her books are really good...I wonder how some people haven't read these. I shake my head and begin to read.

Later on, I look out through my window and it's already That's what Hessa does to you. I close the book and decide to take a little nap but I'm awoken after what feels like thirty minutes by the noise of people quarelling downstairs.
What? I move slowly and open my door and tiptoe until I reach the stairs and I peep down to the lounge. I can't believe what I'm seeing....what in the what? No wayyy. No. Noo. It's Jake and Jill....Jake's here. What's he doing here? I thought he was changed. What's this all about? Now that I think of it, where's mum, aunt Jolly,  Jordan and uncle Jeff? How come they aren't home yet? Did Jill invite him?

I tiptoe closer to the stairs to hear properly what the fight is all about.  "What is this shit you keep talking about, huh?" Jake shouts. The few times I've seen him, he didn't seem the type to bark and look like he wants to beat someone. If he dare touches my cousin....  "I'm telling you the truth Jake! You never used a condom that day and I didn't take the pill....I think I might get pregnant." Jill shouts with tears in her eyes.


Oh nononono I thought Jill promised to be more careful.  "Then we might as well abort it if you are!" He barks. He did not just say that. Who does this motherfucker think he is? How disgusting.  "I shall NOT abort this baby if tests come and I'm pregnant I assure you." Jill says angrily.  "Then you'll take care of it alone."
This guy....
"Fine I will but I won't abort it, you pig. Just leave my house. You're a freaking monster. GET OUT!" Jill screams while crying.

Jake angrily walks to the door and leaves after slamming it. Bastard. I rush downstairs to Jill and hug my cousin seated on the couch. She looks really hurt...I think she fell for him again. Shit. She continues to cry in my arms until like after an hour has passed and we're both sore in the arms.

"Shh hush's okay just relax." I whisper to her.

It's now that I realise the television is on and I put a movie on some channel. Jill quietens after some time and just looks in the distance. I give her her time to choose whether to speak to me about it or not.

"It was an accident honestly." She begins and I rub her arms in comfort.  "I think we were both drunk that night we went to his place....and just got into it. We had sex and...and..." She begins to cry again. I feel so bad for her really. I hug her once more and she relaxes and continues.  "We didn't use protection that night....I think I might be pregnant and now that fool says I should abort incase I'm pregnant." She continues.  "But Athens, I can't do all."  "No you shouldn't do that honey." I agree.

"Don't worry about it. We shall get you tests tomorrow and whatever the results, I'll be with you through it all...the family will be too I'm sure." I say to her and she nods while hugging me.

"Okay. Thanks Athens. I don't know what I would have done without you."

"I'm always here for you, sweets. I think you should take some milk and go to sleep...I'll make you some."

"Thank you."

"No need." I reply with a smile. She goes up to her room and I warm her some milk in the kitchen and take it to her. The parents and Jordan return almost at that exact time...nice timing. I greet them and go to my room.

I wonder whether Sid knows about all this or even them knowing each other even from before the beach.

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