Chapter 8: Athens.

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At exactly noon, I get a call from Sidney and he's already outside. Talk about a punctual man. I run to Jill's room to inform her about where I'm going and she's in the shower. I go to bathroom door and bang on it. "Jill, I'm going out with Sid. I'll be back later. Okay?" "Alright. Go secure that man girl." She hollers and I roll my eyes. We both laugh. "Bye...don't worry, I'll tell mum and aunt Lydia you're gone." Jill adds. "Okay. Thanks...Bye, b." I rush downstairs and outside the door.

Sidney is leaning against a large green jeep while texting on his phone idly. Oh wow he looks so hot right now! He's wearing dark jeans and a tight white undershirt plus a cap turned backwards. I'm almost approaching him when he looks up. He gives me a broad smile which I return.

"Hey sunshine." He greets me while putting away his phone. "You look beautiful even in the simplest clothes." He smiles. I blush at that. "Hey Sid and thank you." We hug for a few seconds and he opens the passenger door door for me and I enter after saying a thank you. He closes it and moves to the driver's side and gets in too. I've always loved jeeps....they're big and comfy. I'm a sucker for big cars.

"Sooo where are we going?" I turn to him. "You'll see. Just get comfortable and you'll see in a while." He replies confidently. "Alright. I don't hate surprises." I answer with a shrug. He starts reversing out of the gate and off we go.

I begin looking at passing trees that move hurriedly and I let out a small laugh.

"What's up?" Sid asks with an amused smile.

"Nuhh I just remembered this thing I used to think when I was little...."

"And what's that?"

"Whenever I looked out of the window of a moving car and saw passing trees, I would think they're running away from us. I thought they were scared of humans because we cut them."


I nod then we both laugh loudly. "You're crazier than I thought. " Sid adds mid-laughter. "Hey!" I swat his arm playfully and laugh till I cry. It gets worse whenever Sid looks my way. I don't know why I keep laughing harder and harder, so does Sid. "We have major issues man." Sid says with tears in his eyes too from the excessive laughter and it's getting harder to drive. "Okay okay breathe in breathe out...let's go." I say to him. He raises his eyebrows in question but I insist. "Breathe in...." We both do. "and breathe out..." and we do that for like a minute until Sid chuckles. I swear I had stopped laughing until he did that. I groan and laugh again. "Sid stooop!"

"Okay fine let's listen to some music." He says and I agree. "I hope you don't have a shitty music taste." I say jokingly. "You'll be surprised." He replies with a smirk. I'm still waiting when I hear rap way! I turn to him with wide eyes and he looks at me in confusion. "That's my best genreeee goddammit" and I begin rapping along to highest in the room by Travis Scott. He's one of my favorite rappers. Sid looks at me as if shocked and I just increase my voice. He later joins and we yell as he keeps his eyes on the road. We play more songs of his like Butterfly effect, Franchise and many more. We keep rapping along and also make faces at each other. God, I've never laughed so hard in my life.

When we take a break from our car concert, Sid starts "Wow, I've never laughed so hard with anyone honestly. You're such a vibe." I blush at that and make a funny face and he laughs. "Athens stop.....and I didn't know you were the type to like rap music I swear it." "Well you don't know much about me..."  "But I like that we have the same taste in music. You're pretty cool." He says and looks at me with a smile which I return before turning back to the road. "Thank you....and you're pretty awesome yourself." "Cool. So we're almost there." He says while kind of nervous and I touch his arm on the steering wheel to calm him down.

"I'm excited...honestly." I say to him with a soft smile and he visibly relaxes. He gives me a small nod and I sit back upright in my seat. The place looks so amazing as we approach many trees with a small path that goes down I don't know to where.

"We're here!" Sid says with a big smile and I smile back with excitement. "Well let's gooo." I reply. I move to open my door when he stops me, "Hold on. I'll do it." I comply while I sit pretty in the car. He moves out of the car, moves to my side and opens the door for me. I step out with a thanks to which he nods. He opens the hood of the car and pulls out baskets and a picnic cloth.

Are we having a picnic?" I love those. "Unhaa." he replies while grabbing his cap and putting it on his head. He looks hella cute but I can't say that to him...guys don't like that...I think. "Let me carry one of the baskets." I say while grabbing one from the ground where he had put them.


He takes the lead and we walk through the trees using the small path I saw earlier and I love the way the sun passes through the trees. It's refreshing and the air is sweet that I can almost taste it....almost. "I love this." I say simply and Sid turns behind to look at me. "Wait until we get down there." He says with a smile until he realises what he just said. "No... uh ....not that... there.... no I didn't mean it that way I swear it." His cheeks are pink with embarassment and I can't help laughing a little. "I just look adorable when embarrassed." I say and skip ahead.

"You don't even know where you're going." Sid chuckles and walks faster to catch up with me and we hold hands.

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