Chapter Six: Athens.

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"Hey hey." Jake says as he and Sidney walk towards our table. "Oh hey." I reply as I stand up with a smile to hug them both but Jill is so I don't know, surprised to move. I guess I forgot to tell her the boys were coming to join us but she will be fine. I hug Jake and then move forward to hug Sidney who hugs me as well...briefly though and we sit down with Jake and Jill on one side of the booth and Sidney and I on the opposite side of the booth. "Hey Jill." Sidney says.

"Hey Sidney. Don't get me wrong but I wasn't expecting you offense." Jill says. "I guess Athens here forgot to tell you. I hope we aren't interrupting anything..." Sidney says skeptically. "Nahh everything's good. Jake how are yah?" Jill asks. "I'm good, you?" "I'm okay." We continue to talk about each and everything that comes up and we really have a good time. The boys didn't want to eat anything so they just ordered water to pass time I guess.

"Hey, that was the only time I used that path." Jake says in the middle of hard laughter. "Guy was beaten with chanel bags and guess the funny part..." Sidney says while almost choking with laughter. "He came back to the hotel with he was scratched by a cat from hell." At this point we're laughing so loud that people are glaring at us. "Do you know what had happened? He had been chased and scratched by the women he tried to get into bed." I think I'm going to pee on myself. "Those women were just fucked up like why would you beat a guy who's giving you money in the end?" Jake asks in frustration and embarrassment.
"Bro those women were fucking married!" We all burst out in laughter again. This can't get any worse and people keep glaring at us.

We pay the bill after fighting with Sid and Jake over who should pay for Jill and I's food until they let us pay half then we move out to take a walk. I'm happy Jill is okay now I mean she's laughing and talking to us all. We decide to enter the mall to window shop. I didn't expect to see so many people and as if Sidney reads my mind he announces that today there are vouchers and discounts for the daily customers.

"Wow...." I say when I see the huge aquarium to the left side and I drag everyone there to see. "Oh yeah this is the only mall with an aquarium around here." Sid tells me. "No wayy." I reply. We walk together with Jill and Jake in front of us but Sid and I walk slower than them to get better view of stuff since it's my first time here.

"Look there's a mermaid." Sid says while pointing to the right upper corner of the aquarium "Oh please, I've never been here but I know that's just a person wearing a mermaid custome." I say to Sid while rolling my eyes. He just laughs and I playfully swat his arm. "Ouch." He says feigning pain and I roll my eyes again. He simply puts his arm....heavy arm around my shoulder. I don't know why but it feels good so I just smile and let it happen. We walk up to Jill and Jake so we can leave. I had fun.

"Let's go to the park." Jake suggests since we don't know where to go.

The boys look at Jill and I for the green light and we also look at each other then slowly nod. "Fine let's go...but isn't it far from here or we can walk?" I ask.  "Na ah no we're using cars. Have you seen the sun outside?!" Jill exaggerates but oh well I'm also tired of walking. We walk to Jill's car and the boys follow us. "We parked two cars behind you soo how are we doing this?" Jake asks. "Athens is coming with me and you go with Jill. Clear?" Sid announces like some boss.

"How come I wasn't asked if I'll be comfortable moving like that?" I ask with raised eyebrows. "Don't be a dramaqueen let's go." Sid tells me as he already walks ahead and I begrudgingly follow him after waving at Jill.

Damnnn! You've got to be kidding me! This guy's car....I mean yes I've seen cool cars and all but this.....this....I'm speechless. He owns a motherf'ing Rolls Royce!!! I think I'm too dumbfounded because Sidney looks at me before entering his side of the car . "Close your mouth babe...flies might enter." He says with a smirk. I shut my mouth and glare at him. "Haha..."  Babe? It was just in the spur of the moment. I really don't have a sensible comeback right now. I enter and sit in the passenger seat quietly.

"Dang how rich are you?! This yours..?"

"Yeahh it's just new." he replies absentmindedly as he backs up to leave the parking space. "To answer your first question, rich parents and shit."

I figure he really doesn't want to talk about it so I just reply "Cool." I look out the window at the passing trees and get lost in my thoughts that I don't even realise we have reached our destination. The park is full of families with their little kids playing on the swings with broad smiles on their faces. I smile at that until I'm dragged away by Sidney towards Jill and Jake.

"This park is beautiful." I say. "Yeah sure is but wait until we get to the small bridge in the middle of the park. It has such a beautiful view." Jill tells me. I feel excited about this.

We keep walking as I take pictures with the camera I moved with. I love pictures mostly those of nature. We walk some more and damn me if it isn't the most beautiful view I have ever seen. "Wow!" is the only thing I can say right now.
"Told yah." Jill says smugly.

When you stand on the small bridge, the water below looks golden with the sunshine hitting it and the sky looks just as beautiful. I take more pictures of the place and everyone. We stand there talking and later on head back to the cars to drive home.

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