Chapter 20: Athens.

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It's now seven p.m. and we are on our way back home. I'm so exhausted and I know Sidney is too. I turn to him in the car darkness with streetlights illuminating our faces. "Thanks for today, Sid. I really had a blast." I say with a smile which he returns. "Any time, anywhere, anything for you." Goddammit he makes it hard not to fall for him when he says such stuff. I blush at his words then I remember what I want to ask him about knowing Jill before the beach but I'm not sure if it's the right time.

"Hey Sid.." He glances towards me for a second to show he is listening before going back to driving. "There's something I need to ask you but I'm not sure if it's the right time." He raises his eyebrows in confusion and says "Go ahead."

I swallow. Man, I don't even know why I'm scared to find out. "Okay." We reach a red light and Sid stops the car, turning to me giving all his attention. "Did you know Jill before the beach incident?" I ask and I notice the way his eyes widen for a second before he puts on a stoic face. He doesn't show any emotion and I can't read him now...Ugh I hate when he does that. I raise my eyebrows at him when he doesn't respond.

"Uh..." I see his jaw clench.

Okay I think I was right...

"No. I only met her for the first time that day." Sid says without looking me in the eyes and I know something's fishy because Jake and he have been friends for four years since freshman year....and Jake dated Jill in freshman year. Something's not right.

"Sid...I really hope you're not lying to me." I say slowly because if he is, I swear to God.

"You trust me?" He looks at me like he doesn't know me, like I annoyed him...what the hell!

"Of course I do."

The lights turn green and I eye Sid from the side as his knuckles turn white from gripping the steering wheel. Hmm, something is really up and I'm gonna find out...everything. Never know that's why he's holding back from asking me out and us getting to know each other well. I look out the window until we get home.

"Bye Sid."

"Bye." He replies stiffly and still not looking me in the he can't wait to leave my sight. Ouch. I really need to do my research. He gets into his car and leaves. "Woah. How come loverboy didn't hug you goodbye this time?" Jill asks after she sees what happened. "I don't know, girl but right now, I need me some sleep." I bypass her very fast and rush to my room and fall face first in my bed. Sleep thankfully comes there and then so I drift off into dreamland.

I wake up when I feel someone sit on my bed...I'm a light sleeper most of the time. I startle and turn to see it's only Jill. "Don't do that again. I almost lost my heart." I say to her in warning. "That's if you haven't lost it to Sidney Winter yet." She says with a smirk and I just blankly look at her.

"Why are you here though?" I ask after recovering from the near heart attack.

"Just came to check in on didn't seem okay when you returned from the waterfalls." So she knew. I think she's been there with Jake...and Sid before. Now's my time.
"Hey, how did you know Sid was taking me to the waterfalls?" I ask nonchalantly. Jill gambles for words " Jake told me..." She replies. I just stare at her because I know she will finally spill. "Fine. Sid told me." Now, I'm shocked. "What? why?" I ask. "Well, he's Jake's friend and my cousin's man so he told me." She replies with a shrug but something tells me she's still lying. "Jill, if I find out you're lying and you are making me look stupid right now...." I don't even finish before she blurts. "Fuck yes I've been there. There it is...I've been to the waterfalls before. Okay?" She seems guilty. Damn right you should.

"Then why would you lie to me?" I ask exasperated. "I'm sorry Athens." Jill says while looking away from me shamefully. "What else are you hiding from me? Is it that you also knew Sid from before the beach?" I ask in serious curiosity. I'm thirsty for answers. Jill looks taken aback but she slightly nods that if I didn't watch closely, I wouldn't have seen it. What?! "Wow...and here I was looking stupid and fucking dumb among all you people who knew each other but pretended not to infront of me!" God, I feel so stupid.

"Now that I think about it, I'm sure those two only saved us that day because you were there....I wasn't of any importance." I add. That stings. The fact that I thought we had all met as new people and were kicking it off together as new friends only to find out they knew each other! Why did they have to pretend not to know each other infront of me? And hold onnnn, Sidney fucking lied to me...he fucking lied. That jerk...I can't believe this. Well, I guess history does rewrite itself. Mike lied and so has Sidney. I don't know what words to say. I don't even feel any tears until I feel a hand wiping my cheeks.

"I'm so dumb..." I whisper and Jill tries to hug me but I push her away.

"Don't." I say coldly.

I still have many questions but right now, I need to be alone. "Please leave." I say to Jill not facing her. "Athe...." I raise my hand to stop her. "I don't wanna hear it, Jill. At this rate, I'm not sure if you're going to tell me truths not more fucking lies. Out." She blows a breath out of her mouth sadly and gets up to leave. I face the other way of the room away from the door where Jill is standing. She gently closes the door and leaves.

He lied.

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