Chapter 25: Athens.

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A week has passed since Sidney and I started dating. It's been a week full of emotions. I mean our feelings have been all over the place. I couldn't even wipe off the grin that's been stuck to my face ever since that night and that's because Sid has been going all out ever since then. He's really doing his best and that warms my heart. He makes sure to call me numerous times during the day to an extent that he got my free from work time in his head. He calls whenever I'm on a break from work, even when I'm going to sleep at night and when I wake up in the morning. I call him too so that it doesn't seem one-sided but he does it more than me. That makes me love him a bit more. This whole week he has been sending me a rose flower at my office reception. It became a routine that the receptionist also got used to. She just smiles at me when I go to pick it up. Today he has sent a box of chocolates too with a message "I love you, angel. Also, I think there's something you're forgetting ;) " I re-read the card five times trying to remember until OH! Holy shit I forgot! No no no no. Today is 26th June.....Sid's birthday and I haven't bought him anything. I'm so ashamed. I'm going to have to plan something for him last minute, it doesn't have to be so big...just special.

I rush to uncle's office to let me out of work for today, I pretty much beg. He says it's fine and I can't appreciate more. I hurry out of the building as I call Jill on my phone. "Jill I need your help. asap." "What's up? I'm home though." She replies. "Yeah, could you please dress up so I can pick you up like in five? Please. It's urgent." I plead. "Alright. Seems serious. Was bored anyways...see yah!" She ends the call. Phew. I drive home and it's coming to noon. I'm running out of time. Thankfully, I find Jill ready and we book it out of home. "Woah bitch what are we rushing for?" Jill asks confused. "Well, I was so stupid and it slipped my mind that it's Sid's birthday today." I grimace. "Holy shit. What are your plans?" "I want to have a small party to celebrate...just the two of us at our secret place." I say with a smile.

"Ohh I get it. So where are we going first? The bakery or the winery?"

"Love your mind, girl." I say to her honestly.

We go to a sensible bakery and buy a freshly made red velvet cake with happy birthday on it. "That works." Jill approves and I don't think twice before buying it. "We need to make a list." I announce because I know how forgetful I am. "Wine, candles, small picnic table, uhhh..." I say aloud as I write and Jill also contributes "Gift, plastic cups, uh we shall figure the rest out as we go but I have to first get some money off my ATM." I say to Jill. We walk around the place until I find an ATM machine at the corner of the building and I get money. Jill and I buy the wine next, it's a sweet red wine just for the evening not to get drunk....tipsy? yes. "Where are we going to get the small picnic table from, Jill?" "Oh. Wait, there's one at home. You'll use that. Even wine glasses or plastic cups, you could get from home."
"Thank God. Oh my God, I have to cook a few dishes for the day." I groan. I'm never gonna pull this off. Jill just taps my shoulder and tells me to get to work. We first go to buy candles plus his gift and now I don't know what to buy Sid. "I think a jacket can work." I ask more than say. "Plus other gifts of course." I add and Jill approves. We end up spending an hour shopping for Sid's gift and my outfit for the day.

It's now half past one pm and Sid is calling my phone but I can't pick up I'm too busy making casseroles. Jill is helping me make hotdogs aside and fries are in cooking oil on the cooker. God, I really hope I pull this off. Sid has been the best boyfriend ever in this past least he deserves this. The chicken is in the oven. By four pm, everything is done and Sidney hasn't stopped calling me. I've now put my phone on silent mode. I need to get this shit done. Jill helps me park the food in containers and we place everything gently in my car's backseat. We put the wine glasses there too plus the foldable picnic table. The cake is secure plus the wine and gifts. Now all is left is my bath and dressing up then I'm good to go. I'm already exhausted but today's not about me. I shower very fast and wear the tight red dress I bought earlier. It's really tight like it shows all my curves and it has short sleeves, a little glitter and it stops above my knees. It has a low back cut that my back is all out and it has a v-neck to show off a little cleavage. Just perfect. I'm wearing heels too. I'm not used to heels but I'm going to give it a try. I carry my sneakers though...for when I get tired of heels and when I'm driving. Jill does my make up so perfectly too. She goes with the black smoky eye and a bit of foundation plus glittery lip gloss. I curl my hair and spray myself with my usual strawberry scented perfume and I'm good to go. I grab my phone and purse and out of my room I rush. "Jill, thank you so so much. I wouldn't have done this without you. Literally from the start." "I got you cuz." She says with a smile which turns to a smirk when she adds "Use protection." I gasp loudly. This girl. I flip her the bird and she just laughs. I check for last minute stuff and everything's ready so I hop in my car and drive off to our secret place and then it hits me. I haven't called Sid to tell him to come meet me at our place. Oh shit. I pick up my phone from the passenger seat and call him straight away. He picks up not a second later...disappointed obviously. I don't give him time to speak though. "Babe, could you please come to our secret place? Like now...straight away. Please." He sighs. "Okay. I'll be there in a few." He disconnects the call. Someone's pissed because I haven't wished him a happy birthday....but I hope this makes up for it. Now I'm nervous, God. I reach the place and set up the small picnic table on top of the picnic's a really short table so we can sit on the ground but still reach it. I put the food containers out plus the wine and glasses, then the cake as well. The candles too but I don't light them. I'm done and now I'm anxiously tapping my knees. It's six pm now. Twenty minutes have passed and Sid hasn't come. What if he doesn't come? Why did I tell him late? I hear dry leaves and twigs crunch behind me and my heart feels all kinds of relief and anxiety at the same time. He has come but what if he doesn't like all this? I stand up when I hear him get closer and there he is in his smug glory but with a confused frown but that's before he looks up from his phone. When he does, his eyes rake over me like he has seen a fallen angel from heaven and that causes me to blush. "Babe, you look...gorgeous as hell." It's like he's fighting to get the perfect words to say. "Thank you but this is why we are here." I say while stepping aside for him to see the picnic and all its contents. His eyes widen and he stutters trying to get words out of his mouth. "You don't like it?" I ask nervously and he looks at me in disbelief. "Really? How can I not? It's just that I'm surprised. No one's ever done this for me. I really can't believe you went out of your way to do this for me, A. Thank you so much, babe." He walks towards me with unshed tears in his eyes and kisses me with so much adoration and I'm so happy he loves it. "Happy happy birthday, Sidney. I love you so much." I say with the same adoration as we hug. "Thank you. I love you more than you know." He says and adds sweetly. "How did I get so lucky?" Sid whispers and I kiss his cheek while we're still hugging. "Come on. Let's sit down." I say while pulling him by the hand until we're seated side by side on the ground with all the containers and other things infront of us.

"Let's eat first before this food gets cold then we can talk." I tell him and he allows. "I'm so hungry. I just came straight here from work." Sid confesses. "Well, you're in luck because I made enough food." I smile. "Have I ever you told you how much I love you?" He says seriously and I giggle. "Tell me more when you're done eating." I say after opening all the containers and the aroma is all over the place. I hand Sid a plate and he fills his plate with a part of all the available foods. "You made all this?" He asks shocked. "Yepp with Jill's help." I reply. "Wow. I bet you stayed up all night cooking." He says innocently. "Haa you'll be shocked we did this just today." "What? For real?" "Unhaa." I smile proud of Jill and I. "I'll say it until you're tired of it...I love you Athens Dora Authentic." He says with a broad smile. "I love you." I say it back with an equally broad smile. We eat in comfortable silence until we're done. "Wow. You're such a good cook." Sid says. Clearly. He has finished all his food and got two more servings of hotdogs. I love that he is himself around me. "Thanks." I reply with a smile. I put the containers away with Sid's help.

"Time for cakeeee." I announce cheerfully and Sid claps loudly with a huge grin. We're really made for each other.

I put the candles on the cake and light them, handing over the knife to Sid to cut. We sing happy birthday and he insists we cut the cake together. I serve the both of us and we enjoy the spongy red velvet goodness. We both groan after tasting the first piece. "You made this too?" Sid asks. "Nope. Bought it." I reply sheepishly and he just shrugs and continues eating the cake. I join him. "Damn I'm so full." Sid says. "Same." I say and blow out a breath. We put the half cake away too and settle with just wine which we take slowly. I cozy up against Sid and he puts his arm securely around me. "So tell me the whole story about today." Sid says curiously. "Well, it wasn't easy. When I received the box of chocolates and the message...thanks for that by the way, I realised your birthday had slipped my mind and my phone didn't remind me either." I scowl and as if it hears, my phone pings with a unique sound that I put to only remind me of Sid's birthday and I shake my head. "Anyways, I rushed out of office, picked Jill from home and went shopping." "We bought most of the stuff and got home to cooking. I freshened up after and here we are!" I conclude with a soft laugh. "I bet you're exhausted as hell." "It was all worth it." I say with a smile towards him and he kisses my lips in response. I rest my head on his shoulder as we look at the sky getting dark. I pull out the big three candles Jill gave me and light them for light when it gets darker. "I see you came prepared." Sid comments with a chuckle after seeing the candles. "Oh, I did." I reply smugly. "Which reminds me....I've something for you, babe." I say with a smile. "Let's see it. I'm excited." He replies. I grab the gift bag and hand it over to him as I start to bite my lower lip nervously. "Woahhh. Just when I thought I couldn't love you more." He comments in disbelief after seeing the contents of the bag. In the bag, there is a black jacket with a golden zipper with SID at the back...custom made. There is a jersey of his favorite basketball team, the Lakers, there's a versace wallet and a black leather diary. "Babe. This is amazing. You're the best. Thank you so much." He says and kisses me hard to get his message across. I think I love him more now. "You're welcome." I reply. We spend most of our time talking about random stuff like stars and the future. Sid wants to be an engineer and I want to be a lawyer unless uncle calls me to work in his company again. We drive back home in our separate cars and we even race along the way but of course Sid won by five seconds pfft.

I'm happy this evening went well with my man. Sid leaves his car and comes to mine when we reach my house like a man on a mission and we have a heated ten minute makeout session that almost turned into something else...almost. We bid each other goodnight and Sid goes home as well.

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