Chapter 14: Athens.

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Jill continues "We broke it off on Christmas break that very year. It was too toxic too so we promised to go separate ways after everything and then this beach thing....happened out of the blue and well..." She blows air out of her mouth like she's having trouble not crying. I move over and hug really must have been hard for her.
She relaxes after sometime and continues "I was so shocked when I saw him that day. Yes I was grateful he saved me but it was so awkward and it gave me mixed emotions. I feel so stupid for still being attracted to him...." I rub her arms as a way to tell her it's normal and urge her to continue so that I can speak when she's done.

"So...I think it was mutual for the both of us to act like we didn't know each other."

" that all?" I ask slowly.
"Nope. We decided to leave the past in the past and become new friends."

"We started to text a lot. We kind of still do but he started asking me out again. I was cautious so I told him I wasn't ready for a relationship."  I hum along.  

"This brings me to yesterday when you were out with Sid." Say what now? She sees my facial reaction and continues "Yepp. When you left, Jake called me almost immediately after for us to meet up."

"He took me to some beach cabin that he owns apparently. I think it was his parents' no offense. We talked, walked around the beach and when we went back to the cabin...we had a heavy makeout session." She pauses and I freeze. This keeps going so fast.   "We didn't do anything more because I cut him off when he tried to take off my clothes."  Pheww. I'm protective of my family... okay?

"He apologised and shit but I think he didn't mean it because we both enjoyed it." She groans angrily.   "Anyways, we got back home a little earlier than you and Sid. We made out again in his car so clearly we missed each other...but of course it's physical.

"Now, Jake and I have decided to be friends with benefits." She concludes.

"Wow...I don't even know where to start!" I say. "So all this've known each other? That's....unbelievable. But, of course I'm not judging you. Right now, the only thing scaring me is what if he hurts you again?" I say with genuine concern.

"No, I'll be extra careful. I can't fall for him again. He's still the same loser remember?" I look at her unsure but I nod slowly.   "Alright....but I'm not saying it's hundred percent okay. Though you should know I'm always here for you hun." I say to her and she hugs me tight. I hug her back and she says "At least now I'm sure of what I'm that I've talked to you, I feel instantly better." She smiles.   "Aw now I feel better." I'm happy she's better now.

"Well, mom was asking if you were okay since she apparently heard you slam your door..."  Jill winces.

I continue "I think we should go downstairs and be with every one else."
"Okay then. Let me first change into comfy clothes and I'll be there."
"Fine by me. Hurry up or I'll eat your food for you." I say jokingly and she laughs which brings a smile on my face. Yepp that was the intention.

I go down the stairs and find every one at the dining table at their positions. This family has this thing of 'eating together strengthens the family bond'. Back at home, mum lets me eat from wherever I want except on big days like Christmas and stuff. I smile politely at mum, aunt Jolly, uncle Jeff and Jordan as I take my seat. They smile back in greeting and I'm grateful no one questions me over anything. I just hate questions that's all until mum comes at me

"Hey Athens, where's Jill?"

"Um she's changing and she will be down in a sec."
Mum nods. Everyone else too except Jordan whose mind seems far away but oh well, I think he's just thinking. On the table there is lasagne and spaghetti for those that want so I serve myself lasagne only. I'm still full from the milkshake I guess.

Jill finally comes down and joins us sitting next to me. "Hey Jill" my mum asks. I know she's checking if Jill's know, from the previous door slamming and all. Jill tenses a little and replies "Oh I'm good aunt. Thanks for asking." with a small nod which mum returns.

"Hey Athens..." uncle Jeff starts and I look at him.

"What are your hobbies?"

Okay that was quite out of the blue. "Um I really can't pinpoint them but I love swimming, reading and writing, then dancing....yeahh."

"Oh really. All along my niece is Michael Jackson and I didn't know about it." he says and we all laugh at that.
"I wish" I say with a snort.
"Anyways, why did you ask? I ask uncle Jeff politely.

"It's just that I've been looking for a temporary editor at my book company since the other is homesick...and Jill doesn't like work that's book related."


"Athens take it. I know you'll love it." mum says cheerfully.
"That's exciting but can you give me a day to think about it?"
"Take your time."

He goes back to eating his food and so do I.  "Girl, you're gonna earn like a working lady. How dope is that!" Jill whispers next to me in joy.


Heyy lovelies!! Just want to inform you that I made a little mistake over the next chapter. I actually posted chapter 17 after this chapter so you have to skip it and go to chapter 15 and 16 then after that, you'll read chapter 17. Hope you understand. Sorryyy. Thank you. Enjoy!!!

A LIE AT THE BEACHWhere stories live. Discover now