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Before Mei could get anywhere she heard her sister speaking to her.

“Stop right there"

“Don’t come any closer"

“Use that chair I placed by your old desk. I don’t want anything to happen like this afternoon. I’ve already lost so much. If I lose any more I think I will go insane."

Mei stops In her tracks and looks at her blonde haired green eyed sister and looks to where her sister is pointing but of course the raven hair girl can remember where her desk used be. She sits down and says

“What do you mean you have lost so much already"

“I mean I lost you. Now I have lost Sara if I lose anymore that will be the end of me. I feel like I'm about to break completely.  I have too many emotions going through me all at once."

Mei went white as a ghost and what she just heard.

“What do you mean by, saying you lost Sara. Don't tell me, you told her that we kissed didn't you.”

“Off course I did, She had the right to know. I don’t keep secrets especially bad ones but u know that already so don’t play coy with me."

“I’m sorry”

“Sorry you say. YOU are the queen of sorry. Yours always sorry but your sorry is always late."

“Again I’m sorry"

“Stop with the I am sorry crap. You know what hurt the most, let me tell you before you say anything.”

Without stopping for breath Yuzu carried on talking.

“Sara said to me just before we broke up.  you are still in love with her your fates and intertwined. Once again I came into you life when you needed me the last few weeks have been plenty of fun but this is where it stops. It’s my destiny to bring you two together and by God I will not stop until that is done. Or something close to  that.”

Mei whole body was shaking at hearing what her eldest sister was saying while thinking she still loves me after all this time. Why would you after what I did. As Yuzu stopped talking It was her chance to speak.

“Yuzu. Is it true? Do you still love me?”

All her sister did was reach into her top and pull out her necklace with the ring attached to it.

“What do you think. I never did stop. I could never bring myself to stop loving you. You were, are the love of my life. It does not matter who I end up with. You will always be a part me. I never take this off, whenever I feel down or upset I grab it my hands and squeeze it."

With this the younger sister pulled her necklace out with the ring attached.

“You are the same as me. Did you think that I could forget you? Do you realise for the past 2 years how I tried to get you out of my mind. I could not do it. I still think about you everyday"

Mei could not hold back any longer and just broke down, she looked straight into her sisters eyes continued

“I LOVE YOU Yuzu I know I never said it and you probably won’t believe me but it’s true. You are the only person that I have loved my whole life. I want us to be together. I want us to go back to the family we were."


This time the oldest of the sister was screaming At the top of her voice.

“ I was scared. I was going to lose everything. Everything that I worked for.”


“I know I would have but still I HAD NO CHOICE"

“NO CHOICE, there are always choices. But you just thought of yourself and no one else. We could of spoke about it. We could of done it together but you, yes you were the one who left me. No one has ever hurt me like you did. You basically left me for a school. Even worse you left me for a man!!  I gave you everything and I mean everything and what did you do. You threw it all away. Did you even care for me, or did you use me ”

“I know it seems like I used you, I never really thought about it that way and I always cared about you. But yes I did throw it all away and if I could take it all back I would in a heartbeat. I would of told grandfather that I had made my choice of whom I wanted to be with for the rest of my life. “

“It’s too late Mei.”

“No Yuzu is not"

“of course it is you are married and papa told me that you have to produce a heir for the legacy of your family. Once again the family wins. We cannot go back to the way we were. At this moment all I can do for you is be there as you older sister. For the past two and a half years I have been broken. I don't think I will ever be the same."


"It's not going to be that simple, Mei do you honestly beleive that if you snapped your fingers I would come running. Not this time, I've done enough, throughout our releationship. It's time I protected my heart for a change."

"Yuzu please all I am asking is for one more chance. One more chance to show you what you mean too me. One more chance to show you that you are my soulmate. Yuzu I Need you in my life again. I want you to beside me and I want to be beside you. That is where I belong."

Mei could hold not her self back she was trying to pour her heart out she felt dizzy she was shaking which made it worse before she realised it her sister had moved off the bed and was now in front of her. She reached out and pulled her close. With this she relaxed and slumped herself against her body trying to get closer to feel that warmth that she has missed for the past few years.

Yuzu with her eyes tightly shut pulled her sister even closer and whispered in her ear with her smooth and calming voice

“If you can do all that maybe just maybe there might be a chance for us. I’m not saying it going to be easy for you. I’m not doing the running around this time you are.”

All the younger sister could do was nod her head with her eyes closed she leaned up towards the older one and kissed her. It was a kiss not of passion but of desire. For longing, you could even say the kiss was for comfort. Yuzu could not do anything she was melting. She had her younger sister and the love of her life with her In her arms kissing her making her feel like she was the most important person In the world. For the first time ever it seemed like Mei was there for her.

Mei broke off the kiss once again looked up to her older sister looked into her emerald eyes put her hands softly on her cheeks and whispered to her

"With everything thing I have, with every being of my soul, with all my energy, I will stop at nothing to get you back.

I love you Yuzu Aihara."

Yuzu listen to what Mei was saying and replied to her

"It took me a long time to finally try and love again and if I'm honest I was slowly falling in love with Sara, but once again she showed me what I was truly feeling inside,

I love you too Mei Aihara"

With both of them finally admitting what they actually felt towards each other they  embraced and kissed each other one more time before getting themselves together holding each other hands and walked out the bedroom to face their parents.

Yuzu could not help herself and thought to herself

"Will Mei actually change, will she do what she has todo to be by my side. Only time will tell."

While Mei was thinking to herself.

"You got this, You got one chance, don't ever let go, let's get it done."

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