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Mei woke up earlier than normal even though she normally sleeps soundly when she is holding or being held by her lover but the events of last night weighed heavily on her mind. She managed to get out of bed and get dressed and out the door before she could wake Yuzu up. She arrived at the school before anybody else in her mind she was thinking that if she could get most of her work done by lunch it would make things a little easier on her and the conversation that she had planned for later.
As she entered her office she sighed as the amount of paperwork that had to be done was building up. Mei sat done on her chair pulled her pen out her draw and with a semi clear mind she started. An hour later she hears her phone go off but she ignored it and carried on with what she was doing. But her phone would not stop pinging. She eventually gives ups and sees that is was her one true love texting her. She smiles to her self and quickly sends a reply as she did not want her to worry.
Without warning her office door swings open and Sally was standing there a bit confused on why her boss was already at work. Mei looked at her smiled and spoke to her.
“Good morning Sally.”

“Good Morning Ms Aihara.”

“Could you bring me a coffee please ans my schedule for today as I might need to make some adjustments.”

“I will do that right away.”

“Thank you.”

“Your welcome”
With the short conversation over Mei gets back to her paperwork. 5 minutes later she hears a knock on the door.
“Come in”

“Here is your coffee Ms Aihara and your schedule is actually clear.”


“Yes, I have kept it relatively clear for a while Ms Aihara as with you moving in with your girlfriend.... sorry I meant fiancé I thought that you would not be In for a few days. I’m sorry if I have overstepped my boundaries.”

“No you have not. Thank you as that actually works for me as I have an important phone  all to make today and I do not want to be disturbed.”
“What time do you need to make that call Ms Aihara and I will make sure that no one comes in.”
“Around 12pm. Don’t worry about my lunch as I will be leaving once the call is done.”
“Very well, leave it with me.”
Sally turns and makes her exit out of the office. Mei glances at the clock and speaks to herself. “4 more hours and finally I can have some closure.”
As Mei delved into her work the four hours t seemed to pass rather quickly. Looking at the work she has done she is satisfied with what she had accomplished. She picks up phone and hears it go off once more. Once again it was Yuzu.
“Good luck, I will make your favourite dinner tonight. Love you.”
Mei holds her phone close to her chest and quickly sends a message.
“Thank you Yuzu, looking forward to it. Also don’t forget we have Yuri coming over. Love you also.”
Mei looks at the clock again and it was finally time to call her mother. Felling scared and anxious she hovers over her mothers number and presses the call button. The phone rang once before it was answered.
“Good evening Mei.”

“Good afternoon mother.”

“Have you had a good day so far.”

“Yes, I’ve managed to get a lot of work done. I hope you have had a pleasant day.”

“I have had a wonderful day. It now gotten even better.”


“Of course it has I am now speaking with my daughter.”


“Yes Mei.”

“I’m going to be........ a bit blunt here but I need to ask couple of questions. I need some closure. Would that be ok with you.”

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