Chapter 19

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Yuzu finished changing the bed while her lover just sat and watched her. When she finished she patted the bed signalling that she was ready. Mei slowly stood up from the chair and  slowly made her way to the bed and sat there. Yuzu leaned over kissed he sweetly and she asked

“Are you ready to hear my story"

“Yes Yuzu I am.”


Yuzu thought about where she would start and decided to start from the moment Mei
left her. She looked at her girlfriend face and started speaking.

“I’m going to start from the night you left.”

Mei went to speak but was stopped.

“It’s my turn now. So be quite I’ve waited so long for this I need to get it out"

Mei looked into her sisters eyes and nodded in agreement.

“As I said I am going to start from the night you left. I remember that night. I remember most of everything you said but the words you were saying to me were breaking me in 2. I was thinking she must be lying to me, she is playing a joke on me. Even when you got up of this very bed and picked your suitcase up I was sure that that you was going to come back and walk through that door. I gave it a couple of minutes and decided to walk out of the bedroom I did not see you. I opened up the front door and again you was not there I ran down the stairs and managed too see you get in the car and drive away. I could not believe what I was seeing. I could not run after you as my legs caved in.

Mama was the one who found me in the street crying and she could not work out why I was there all I kept on saying was come back Mei please come back. Mama managed to get me back inside the house where I would not stop crying no matter what she did. I think that night was the most I’ve cried ever in my life. My heart was hurting it was like someone pulled it out of my body and was jumping on it.

Mama in the end did not know what to do so she grabbed my phone and called Harumin.
Harumin came over and held me. All I could say to her was she left me Mei left me, Harumin thought it was a bit weird for me to be like that as she only knew that we were sisters and not lovers. In the end I think I cried myself too sleep. I did wake up a couple of time to check your side of the bed. I was hopeful that you came back as I thought you loved me.

This was not to be the case. I spent the next week at home not caring about school my friends or anything I sort of became a shut in. I never left my room and I just kept crying. I thought myself that nothing in this world made sense, I was broken, a husk of my former self. Harumin came around one day she sat me down and asked the for the low down between us. I was a bit hesitant at first but she was not going to leave me until I told her something. I told her everything from the first day we met to the day you left. To say she was shocked is to be honest a big understatement but she was my best friend and accepted me for who I am. I really must thank her one day.

I then went back to school and caught up with my work and brought my grades up secretly hoping that I was making an improvement in your eyes enough for you recognise even when I got into the top ten of students you did not come and see me.
After graduation mother and father told me that they were planning to go to your wedding. This is when I finally gave up on you. I thought to myself that she never loved me it was all in my head. Trying to stave off depression I took some time for myself and never really bothered with college as I could not see myself there without you. I found some work and was starting to enjoy life.

A few months later I found out from father more reasons why you left and that’s how I knew about you having to produce an heir. I nearly blurted out that you actually don’t like men but I kept it to myself.

I wanted to see you, I wanted to find you to make sure you was OK but I hit dead end after dead end even your best friend didn’t know where you were.  Honestly I don’t know why I tried. Yeah I could of called but I thought you had changed your number. I kept mine the same just in case you reached out but again I knew that it would be a slim to none chance.

I was becoming more like self, I finally started venturing out, went shopping went and saw some friend some new some old but you were always in the back if my mind. I thought that I could start dating again but never found anybody I liked because I knew that I could not go back to men I knew I only liked women.

A few more months passed I was shopping with Harumin and I ran into Sara this is when we both started dating each other and everything was going smoothly. I started to think that I could love again and maybe Sara was the key. I was right she was the key as a few weeks into out relationship you texted me out of the blue. I was shaking when I opened my phone as saw it was you. I even woke Sara up because of my shaking.
Looking back on it I suppose my time apart from you was not as bad as yours but every night your words Goodbye Yuzu hurt me more than anything.

I managed help a few people out with their relationships. Which also helped me heal. And as you  can tell mama and papa are going strong. one that would shock even you and if course I helped Harumin and Matsuri, but let's be real those too definitely deserve each other.

As you have probably already guessed both Harumin and espically Matsuri hate you with a passion. I'm not entirely sure if they will ever forgive you for what you did.

Well I think I covered my two years. Do you have any question"

“I have. Did you always believe that I would come back to you?"

“Yes I did"

“I don’t understand. Why did you"

“Because I knew what we had was real. I knew that if I waited long enough you would be true to yourself”

“Say I never did what would you have done”

“I would of been alone my entire life. My love for you is that deep"

Mei could not hold back anymore. She pulled her sister close and kissed her and held her tight. She was saying within that embrace, she is not going anywhere she is here to stay no matter what life throws at her she would be here and that she only belonged to her.

Mei looks at her girlfriend and said.

"Do you have any questions for me"

"I do."

"And that would be"

"You mentioned that he tried it on with you. Could you say more."

"For you I can but I don't want everybody to know."

"This is just between us no one else will here."

"OK Yuzu I will tell you the whole story. If I rember I said that he overheard a conversation between my grandfather and myself. That is not entirely ture. We went to my grandfather house for dinner and the topic came up about us having a child.

Both of us said that we have been trying but not been able to conceive yet. This is when he and my grandfather started drinking. Maybe grandfather thought that he would try and lighten the mood for when we got home.

I'm not sure weather grandfather knew that we was not having sex, but when we got home he was a completely wasted and I was felling a bit flush. It was at this time he tried it."

"Do you think gramps did something to the drinks."

"I'm not sure as I cannot prove it. But something tells me he did and I would not put it passed him."

"I think we better be careful around him. As he probably won't accept us and might try do something about it."

"I think you might be right. But listen Yuzu. You are mine and I am yours. We are lovers and sisters. As I have said before I don't care what anybody else thinks about us. It is our decision to do this."

Yuzu looks at her sister smiles and says.

"You got that right and as you only have the rest of the day off let's enjoy it."

"Sounds like a plan."

The two lovers spent time with each other and just chilled. They also spent some time with their parents. To all of them that day spent together as a family would be forever embedded in their memory.

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